Who Are These Judicial Candidates On the Ballot?

Who Are These Judicial Candidates On the Ballot?

In North Carolina, voters still have the opportunity (and the responsibility) to elect judges; however, judicial races are often some of the most overlooked elections on the ballot. In just over two weeks, North Carolina voters will select four judges to serve in statewide judicial office—one seat on the State Supreme Court and three seats on the State Court of Appeals. Do you know who these candidates are and what personal and judicial philosophy they would bring to the bench?

The NC Family Policy Council surveyed these candidates and received some very enlightening feedback. We asked them to:

  • Describe their overall judicial philosophy;
  • Describe the role faith plays in their daily life;
  • Identify the Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court who best reflects their judicial philosophy;
  • Rate their judicial philosophy toward the Constitution on a scale of 1–10 with a “living document” approach being a 1 and a “strict constructionist” approach being a 10;
  • List the organizations they have been involved with over the past five years through membership, religious affiliation, probono legal work, or volunteer service.

You can learn about these candidates and review their completed surveys on the State Judicial Races Page at NCFamilyVoter.com. Be sure to click on their names to view their responses in their own handwriting!

While at NCFamilyVoter.com, you can also:

  • Generate your own Personalized Voter Guide to see where the candidates in your specific U.S. House, N.C. Senate and N.C. House races stand on important family-related issues (simply type in your name and address so the website can match you to your congressional and state legislative districts);
  • Learn more about the Six Constitutional Amendments that are on the ballot;
  • Order Voter Guides in Bulk for distribution at your church, civic group and neighborhood;
  • Support NC Family’s Voter Guide Project by making an online donation to help underwrite the cost of this $100,000 project.

Thanks for being an informed voter and for Voting Your Values!