Pregnancy resource centers have been described by opponents as fake clinics that exist to frighten and misinform women so that they decide to keep their baby, but the truth is that these organizations are the backbone of the pro-life movement across the country.
This week on Family Policy Matters, host Traci DeVette Griggs welcomes Wendy Bonano and Melinda Delahoyde from Gateway Women’s Care to discuss the many ways that pregnancy resource centers support the pro-life movement. Gateway has three locations across the Triangle and offers a variety of free and confidential pregnancy and sexual health services.
You can learn more about Pregnancy Resource Centers in North Carolina here.
This episode is a part of a series highlighting the pro-life movement in North Carolina. Tune in each week to learn more!
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Transcript: What’s Happened In the North Carolina General Assembly So Far This Year
Thanks for joining us today for Family Policy Matters. We are recording this interview for both the radio show and podcast and NC Family’s weekly video updates. If you’re interested in seeing the video version of this interview, sign up as part of our email list at and you will receive an email when they are online every week. Our guests today are here to give us an update on this session of the North Carolina General Assembly. John Rustin is president of NC Family and Jerry Royall is NC Family’s Counsel. Both spend a lot of time at the General Assembly keeping an eye on what’s happening and working to influence laws on behalf of the families in our state. It’s amazing that when you hear about all of these important bills in the media, they’re portrayed as radical. But as we know when we actually read the text of the bills, which of course are always available to us on the NC legislature’s website at, we find they’re actually common sense and reasonable. So let’s talk about some of those bills. Well, let’s talk first about a victory. There was a pro life victory in the legislature. What happened?
Yes, well, there was and hopefully as you’re aware, we have had a great pro life victory in North Carolina. Senate Bill 20—The Care for Women, Children, and Families Act was passed by the legislature, of course was vetoed by Governor Roy Cooper, and the legislature overrode the governor’s veto. This bill is a major pro life victory in North Carolina. It essentially reduces the gestational age for illegal abortions in North Carolina from 20 weeks to 12 weeks. Of course, at the onset of the session, we were advocating strongly for a heartbeat bill in North Carolina, which would have reduced the legal gestational age for abortion about six weeks, it was clear as this bill and discussions were going on in both the House and the Senate, that that just was unfortunately not going to happen, and so they settled on 12 weeks. But this bill contains a lot of other provisions that will protect life in North Carolina, and also that will provide resources to give women and families that are facing crisis and unplanned pregnancies every reason to choose life instead of choosing abortion. Jere, do you have any other perspective?
As you said, yeah, that was a compromise. We obviously wanted, and many others wanted, conception to be the time when the unborn child is protected. But there were a lot of good provisions that were added along with the 12 week restriction.
And Traci, this bill is is literally going to save thousands of lives every year, and is going to again, provide resources. There’s $160 million dollars appropriated in this bill for improvements and enhancements to foster care, to adoption, to maternal care and lots of other important services in North Carolina, again, to give women and families that are facing crisis and unplanned pregnancies every reason to choose life. And so we’re really excited about it.
Yeah, and I think it answers some of those critiques from the other side that all we care about is getting the baby born. So this is providing a lot of those services.
Absolutely, absolutely. And that’s so critical, because there are going to be more and more women carrying a child to term and we need to provide those practical services to them and also support in lots of different ways. So yeah.
Well let’s talk about going forward, then, there are a lot of bills that are important to North Carolina families that are being considered, talk about what those are.
Well, a major bill is the Parents’ Bill of Rights, which I know a lot of our viewers and listeners care about. This bill clarifies and codifies parents fundamental rights to the care, custody, and control – using kind of legal terms – of their children, particularly in the arenas of education and health care. So this bill, Senate Bill 49, passed the Senate in early February and is awaiting action in the House. And we’re very, very hopeful that the house is going to take this bill up and pass it because parents do have a fundamental right to the care and upbringing of their children. But because that’s being challenged in lots of areas, especially in education and in health care, this bill does need to pass.
Okay, how about Opportunity Scholarships?
Well, this is an area where more and more people are realizing we need to offer choices in education, and there’s great support across the state for this. So both chambers, the House and the Senate have bills proposing that. The House actually passed their version, the Senate version was not voted on, would expand things even more. Their’s actually would include all income levels. Now it would be on a sliding scale, the amount of these grants, but because the bill has not been taken up, many people are talking about the fact that it will be put in the state budget, which is what has happened in recent years. But either way, there is going to be a significant expansion of the scholarship grants, not an unlimited amount, but they are going to continue to increase the availability of these scholarships.
Yeah, so expanding eligibility, so more children, more families will be able to choose the educational environment that’s best for their children, and also forward funding as the legislature is done so that there are appropriations set aside for Opportunity Scholarships for years in advance. So we’re really excited about this initiative, and the legislature is really continuing making North Carolina one of the leading states in the nation in school choice.
So this is what critics have hammered on is the all income levels, that you’re going to be providing these scholarships, which have in the past may have been for people who are low income or who’ve had special needs children. So now we’re giving scholarships and taking these rich kids and paying for them to go to private schools. What’s the truth in that?
Well, I mean it is but it’s on a sliding scale. But the reality is people are saying taxpayers are putting money into the state fund, and so it only makes sense that if people are choosing for their children to take another path that some of those resources should follow the child. I understand your point people are making but the reality is doesn’t it make sense to let resources but not as much of the state resources follow the child as they go to various schools?
Okay. The next one, I think is Fairness in Women’s Sports Act.
Yes, and this bill is really designed to protect the health and safety of female athletes in middle school, high school, and college by designating sports teams as either male, female or CO Ed based on biological sex. And so there were similar bills introduced in both the State Senate and the State House, those bills passed their chamber of origin. So the Senate bill passed the Senate, the House bill passed the House, but neither chamber has taken up the other chambers bill yet. So since there is clearly support in both chambers for this legislation, we fully anticipate that this bill will be taken up in either the House or the Senate, and that bill will be passed.
Quick note on that, John, that doesn’t normally happen. Usually, one chamber passes a bill sends it over to the other. In this case, as you say they did pass their own version. The main difference is the House version includes college sports, so it remains to be seen how they’re going to work out that difference.
Okay, so this is primarily about transgender individuals trying to play on a sport that doesn’t match their birth gender. So we’ve got another bill that’s similar prohibiting gender surgeries on minors. What’s happening with that?
Right, well, this is House Bill 808, which passed the House in early May, has not been considered by the Senate yet. The original version of this bill, and there’s a companion Senate bill, would prohibit the administration of puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, and the performance of gender reassignment surgeries on minors in North Carolina. So the House took up their bill, they took out the puberty blockers or the chemical portions and kept it as just prohibiting cross sex surgeries on minors and sent that bill over to the Senate. We’re hopeful that the Senate will take up their version of the bill or reinstate the chemical treatment prohibition as part of this bill. Because these drugs, these chemicals, and these surgical procedures are irreversible and sterilize the individuals who receive these services. And it’s just not a good thing for especially our youth to be subjected to. And so individuals who are dealing with gender dysphoria certainly need support, they need compassion, they need care, but they don’t need irreversible surgeries and chemicals in their bodies.
Okay, so these two bills are not proof that Republicans hate transgender individuals, is that what you’re saying?
Yes, that is correct.
It is, it’s showing true care for people. As John said, they’re permanent changes. There’s no proof. I mean, more and more. We’ve seen it over in Europe, other parts of the world that they’ve been on this path and have seen, they’re coming with negative outcomes. This is bringing harm to people’s lives. So it is, it’s really showing compassion. One other quick note too, John, it remains to be seen how their work out the difference, the House version did still have a provision in there, even though it didn’t keep the chemical part, where no state funding would go towards any kinds of treatments.
Yeah, it is interesting that the United States is doing much more radical things with individuals who believe themselves to be transgender than even European countries. Some of these countries we expect to be far out there.
And Traci, in a related bill, there’s also legislation that would protect the rights of conscience of healthcare providers in North Carolina. It’s a very broad bill, but part of the intention of the bill is to address and protect physicians and others in the healthcare industry from being forced to engage and participate in these kinds of administration of drugs and surgeries on minors. So that is House Bill 819, the Medical Ethics Defense Act. We do have conscience protections in North Carolina protecting doctors, physicians, health care providers from participating in abortions. And this would extend that in a much broader sense. So we are hopeful that this bill will be taken up because that’s really important not only to prohibit minors from participating, but if adults are seeking these kinds of treatments that, if a healthcare provider objects to it on religious, ethical or moral grounds, they should not be forced to participate in it. So another important bill.
Okay. So the final one that our organization is watching is called The REACH Act, and as someone who loves history and thinks that we all need to learn more about our Founding Fathers and some of the founding documents, I love this one. But explain what that is.
Well, The REACH Act would require three credit hours of instruction on American government and our founding documents as a prerequisite for graduation from North Carolina universities and community colleges. So the title of the bill is Reclaiming College Education on America’s Constitutional Heritage, the acronym for that is REACH, so that’s where The REACH Act comes from. And there were bills introduced in both chambers to do this. There have been discussions, but no final action taken yet on this legislation by the General Assembly.
Right, and why is this important?
Well, as we’re seeing now, they’ve done surveys and asked people basic questions about government. And sadly, the responses are almost shocking. And this is where people are going, “Okay, we see this is a problem.” As citizens of this country, we need to understand our system of government, we all need to participate. And that’s what course we’re about. And we appreciate the fact that so many of you work together with us within our government. But if people don’t understand how the government system works, they’re not as likely to be involved and interested. And so this is an important part of helping people see what does it mean to be a citizen of this country, of this state?
Right. And I think this is why it’s important for all of us to be an educated electorate. This is why getting involved with NC Family, signing up for those emails and actually reading them when they go into your email box is important because you’re continuing to educate yourself and how you can be active.
We’ve got a couple more issues to talk about. I know we’re running short on time. Of course, gambling has been a huge focus of the legislature. Unfortunately in recent weeks, as we are having our discussion today, the sports gambling and horse racing bill has passed the General Assembly and has been sent to the governor. He is expected to sign the bill in the coming days. And it’s just very unfortunate because we know the tremendously negative impact that the legalization of sports gambling in North Carolina is going to have, especially on our young adults and youth. The legislature is also considering bills and discussing bills that would place casinos in North Carolina and also legalize Video Lottery terminals or basically video poker machines under the auspices of the state lottery, we are fighting these bills like the dickens and I’m just heartbroken to see the sports gambling bill and the horse racing bill pass the legislature. If this is an issue that is of concern to you, please keep your eyes and ears open for alerts from the Family Policy Council as we move further into the session, because these bills are likely to come up quite quickly.
And then the last one is medical marijuana, which I think is just ridiculous that we’re actually still talking about this. We know all the evidence that shows that it’s not healthy to have this legalized marijuana. Talk about what’s happening in North Carolina.
Well, it passed earlier this year in the Senate as the House has not brought it up yet. We and you and many others continue to inform our members of the legislature of the house, just as you’re saying Traci, about the realities. All major medical groups are saying, “No, let us be the ones who approve medications. This we’re finding harm, not help.” And again, thank you for your involvement, because the more they’re hearing, the more they’re being encouraged with the facts and the truth. We’re understanding that opposition is continuing to grow. So this coming week, we’ve heard they may be voting in the House within the caucus of Republicans where if it’s defeated there, then that will be the end of the bill, which is what needs to happen. So we all are going to keep working together to inform, encourage them which goes back to your whole point about being involved with government, looking out for our neighbor, caring for one another. This is one more way we can do that.
And y’all it’s so valuable that we have these people up there, you know, advocating on our behalf. So thank you very much for all the good work that you guys do.
Thank you, Traci. I appreciate that.
– END –
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Family Policy Matters
Transcript: What a Pregnancy Resource Center REALLY Looks Like
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: Thanks for joining us this week for Family Policy Matters. We continue our month long series on North Carolinians who represent the many facets of the pro life movement here in our state. This is in celebration of the one year anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the US Supreme Court. Today we’re joined by Wendy Bonano and Melinda Delahoyde of Gateway Women’s Care, which has three locations in the triangle area offering free confidential pregnancy and sexual health services. Wendy and Melinda, welcome to Family Policy Matters.
MELINDA DELAHOYDE: Thank you, Traci.
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: All right, let’s start off by sharing, if you would, some of your background on what brought you to Gateway and also how you got involved in the pro life movement altogether.
MELINDA DELAHOYDE: This is Melinda. I have been involved with pregnancy centers for 40 years, really from the beginning of that movement. And I call it a movement because it was something that God just laid on people’s hearts across the country. There was no big business model or anything like that. People just believe that in their own communities, they wanted to help women who are pregnant. And out of that, the National Organization of Care Net came to have probably 1200 pregnancy centers around the country. But all of them were run by individuals at the local level.
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: Tell us a little bit about where you came from that point on.
MELINDA DELAHOYDE: From that point on, I began writing manuals for pregnancy centers and speaking to large groups of pregnancy centers about things like development and advertising and all those things that go with setting up a nonprofit organization. And at one point, I served as Care Net’s president, so I got to see all of the pregnancy centers, pretty much, around the country and the wonderful work that everyone was doing in their own community. And then I came to Gateway six, six and a half years ago and became Gateway’s president and we have a center in Raleigh, in Durham, and in Chapel Hill now.
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: So Wendy was a part of Gateway before you came along, and she had been running the center for several years, Wendy talk a little bit about your pro life background and how you ended up at Gateway.
WENDY BONANO: I had moved from Australia to the states with my young family in 1997. Never heard of a pregnancy center. The abortion movement in Australia back then was very underground. I come to the States, and it’s this outspoken, vigilant two sided issue that I began hearing about, and I was encouraged to volunteer at Gateway, and it only really opened it’s doors downtown on Hillsborough Street. And so I began as a volunteer in 2008, and came on staff in 2009. I was running the center down on Hillsborough Street for a few years and then executive director in 2012.
And this is a ministry, Traci, that once you taste it, you just cannot get it out from under your skin. God has really drawn my heart to this cause, to the hurt that women experience and our desire to be able to provide care and refuge and an alternative decision for women and support them in that decision. So I feel very strongly about the ministry, and the services that we provide, and the role that Gateway plays now in three cities across the Triangle. That’s my journey, and then Melinda joined us and we’ve enjoyed working together and being able to lead and guide the ministry.
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: Tell us a little bit more – for people who may not be familiar – what pregnancy resource centers do, because these centers are a favorite punching bag for pro abortion folks, especially Planned Parenthood. Perhaps you could talk about why you think that is, and here’s the chance to kind of clear up some of the fallacies that they might throw out about you in the media.
MELINDA DELAHOYDE: I think what we would say is that we empower women to choose life for themselves and for their unborn children. There is no kind of coercion, there’s no kind of false advertising or anything like that. We empower women as they come through our doors. We meet with them and ask them questions like what are you feeling now? What are your needs? What are you thinking about and really giving her a chance to explain how scared she is, that she doesn’t know what she’s going to do, and just listen. And out of those questions that we ask start to build a relationship with her, she then is able to receive a free ultrasound and actually know how far along she is, and then we can look at resources for her. And a question that always keeps coming to our minds, because we see many abortion determined women who say, “Well, I can’t have this baby, I have all these plans for my life, and this won’t work.” And if there’s ever a moment when we can say something like, “Could you imagine a scenario where you could have your education and your dreams? And your baby could also have a life? Could we just talk about that for a minute?” Those are the kinds of questions that we ask beside her and without in any way coercing her or leading her in any direction.
WENDY BONANO: And I’ll touch on that second part of your question, what the country thinks about pregnancy centers. And it’s an unfortunate development, but it’s kind of like a lie can be told once and you may not listen to it, but if someone hears the same lie over and over again, it becomes truth. And so pregnancy standards Traci, really the only long lasting organizations that combat Planned Parenthood and the private abortion industry, we are the only place between that woman and her decision to go to an abortion clinic. And pregnancy centers have been in this country for 40-50 years, and so they have lasted where other agencies may have faded, and therefore they’ve become the enemy of the side that believes a woman’s best choice is abortion. And so the country is very divided.
I think every pregnancy center gets lumped into the same bucket, but what we at Gateway strives to be is our own unique location in three cities that will embrace women, regardless of what they’re choosing. We want to love on them so much that even if they walk away and still choose abortion, that they will say there was a place where people loved them and cared for them. And you know, what ends up happening, there’s a second pregnancy, and they come back to us. And so we want Gateway to be that kind of place. We don’t want to fulfill the criticisms that the opposition has of us, and so we don’t manipulate and we don’t bait and switch. We are honest, our nurses educate these young women on fetal growth and development and understanding the risks and procedures of abortion, and we really let women make the decision for themselves.
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: Alright. So I know, Wendy, that you work in the centers, talk a little bit about who you primarily serve. And I know you said each center is unique, you guys have centers that are close to some pretty major college campuses, don’t you?
WENDY BONANO: Right, yes, the one on Hillsborough Street is within two miles, I think, of seven universities and colleges, over 50,000 students. And that was primarily why Gateway was established in that location. And then we have one in Durham, which is less than half a mile from the Planned Parenthood and the private abortion clinic in Durham, and then one in Chapel Hill, which is midway between UNC and Planned Parenthood in Chapel Hill, which is the largest Planned Parenthood in the state.
And so we are primarily here to reach and serve the woman who believes abortion is her only option. We want to reach the most determined women and have her come to us and have an experience that she’s not expecting and to see if she can pause and take some time. Because what we discover is that most women don’t want an abortion, they just think they don’t have a choice. And so if you can help a woman to slow down, to take some time, God has created us with amazing capacities to problem solve, but sometimes it just needs time. And so women need time to step away from the immediate drama of, “Oh my gosh, I’m pregnant, and I don’t need to be and I don’t want to be.” And so we help women through that process. And they have an ultrasound and then help them with some information that they need. But really, it is a process to slow down their rush to the abortion clinic to see if they want to and can come up with a plan for their life. We have staff members like social workers on our team that can help create personal care plans for every woman that comes to our front doors right up to the point to when she has that child and for the 12 months afterwards. So they’re the services that we provide but the most abortion determined women are the ones that we seek to reach and serve and love on
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: Speaking of these abortion determined women, I would imagine since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, we have found ourselves to be an abortion destination state, which was a bit surprising to me, I guess, that the states around us had stricter abortion laws. What have you seen as far as your clientele and the determination of some of these women since Roe v. Wade was overturned?
MELINDA DELAHOYDE: We’ve seen several changes since Roe v. Wade was overturned, and you know, that was an amazing decision that the court made, that there is no constitutional right to abortion, but it didn’t do everything. And I think one thing that it has done is it’s caused the opposition to rise up and become much more vocal, you know, realizing that this right to an abortion is going to be restricted.
And so what we see are women who are afraid and who don’t know what to do and are looking for all the things that Wendy’s talked about. So we are seeing more abortion determined women, and the slogan that we often say is, “Find her first.” We want to find her before she goes to the abortion clinic, especially now, after the Dobbs decision when there’s so much panic in the air and in the lives of these women about “What’s going to happen to me?” You know, the opposition is stronger and risen up, but on the other hand, it’s given us more women to serve and more opportunities to save lives.
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: How can state policies and laws also help or hinder what you’re trying to do?
WENDY BONANO: That’s a really good question Traci, and back in 2011, when the Woman’s Right to Know Act was passed, my belief is that that was one of the most significant pieces of pro life legislation in terms of what it enabled us as a pregnancy ministry to be able to do, because that piece of legislation said that a woman needed to receive certain information, initially, it was 24 hours before her abortion, and then it became 72 hours before her abortion.
So that opened an amazing opportunity for us to market ourselves to these abortion-determined, abortion-bound women that come to us first to go through that Woman’s Right to Know education called informed consent, so that she knew exactly what it was she had the right to know. Did the abortionist have any malpractice suits against him? Did he have liability insurance? Did he have privileges at the local hospital in case of an emergency? She had the right to see an ultrasound, she had the right for numerous things that most women weren’t even aware of and didn’t even know to ask. And so it gave us a great opportunity to be able to educate her so that she could advocate for herself, that she was more informed and educated. And we have clients of ours that would ring the abortion clinic and ask for the abortionist’s name, and when the abortion clinic would not tell them the name of the abortionist they’d ring us back. Like “They won’t tell us the name of the abortionist.” Where else would that happen, that you wouldn’t find out the name of whoever was performing the procedure? And so that particular law, I think, has been the most significant that we’ve noticed in the work of Gateway over the last 15 years.
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: I hope that people who are listening think to themselves, I would love to get involved with such an organization. And of course, I’ve always loved pregnancy resource centers, and I was on your board years and years ago. But the cool thing about it, I think and as you’ve already mentioned, there’s a lot of noise out there about abortion, but these pregnancy resource centers dotted all around the state, all around the country, just work quietly meeting these women in their local communities. Tell us how people can find out about these organizations where they can volunteer,
MELINDA DELAHOYDE: North Carolina has one of the largest amount of pregnancy centers of any state in the country. And we’re fortunate to have Lifelink Carolina so that funds are available to our pregnancy centers, as well as all the donations that come in from individuals and different places. But I think if somebody’s looking and saying “What do I do,” they should look in their local community for the pregnancy center, because volunteers may be needed, resources may be needed, funds are needed, trainings needed. There’s so many ways you can be involved in your community and helping with pregnancy centers. And so many times people will say in our smaller communities, well, we don’t have an abortion clinic in this town. But you may not have an abortion clinic, but you do have women facing an abortion decision every single day and those women need help and care and support and understanding of what their options are. So if you get in touch with the pregnancy center in your local community, I would pretty much guarantee they will find a way for you to become involved in these ministries.
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: And if people would like to have more information on Gateway?
WENDY BONANO: They can go to our supporter website, Traci,
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: Okay, and if they want to refer a young woman who has an abortion decision in her future, where would they send her?
WENDY BONANO: To our client facing website, which is
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: Okay, thank you so much Melinda Delahoyde and Wendy Bonano with Gateway Women’s Care. Thank you so much for joining us today on Family Policy Matters.
– END –