VIDEO: We Are Partners In A National Pro-Family Alliance

VIDEO: We Are Partners In A National Pro-Family Alliance

Did You Know that NC Family is one of over 40 Family Policy organizations nationwide?

NC Family President John L. Rustin was encouraged and inspired after spending time with other Family Policy Council directors at last week’s annual Family Policy Conference in Atlanta. In the following video, John shares insights from the conference that involved strategic discussion, fellowship, and prayer.


So did you know…when you partner with NC Family that you’re partnering with an alliance of more than 40 like-minded family policy councils from around the country? From Alaska to Hawaii to Maine to Florida and all points in between.

Hi I’m John Rustin, President of the North Carolina Family Policy Council, and I’ve just returned from our annual Family Policy Council conference in Atlanta. It was an important and impactful meeting with Family Policy Council directors from around the country.

Friends, these are some of the most gifted, intelligent, committed, and compassionate people that I have ever meet and it’s an honor to stand beside them in the battle! We’re also grateful for our national ministry partner, Family Policy Alliance, who serves the Family Policy Council network in a variety of important ways.

You see, years ago Dr. James Dobson and other faith and family leaders in America saw the need to educate, motivate and activate citizens of faith across our nation to take a stand for biblical principles in the arenas of public policy and politics. They felt this vision was best accomplished, not through yet another national organization, but through effective state-level Family Policy Councils …

… and this is exactly what is happening today.

States often blaze the trail on sound public policy, and what we do on the state level, often has a significant impact on our federal laws and the laws of other states.

I hope it’s an encouragement to you to know that in the midst of the constant din of political rancor all around us, NC Family and our fellow policy councils across the nation—along with our supporters like you—are working to see that God’s Truth, God’s Hope and God’s Love remain utmost and foremost in our state and nation’s policy arena.

If you are already connected with NC Family, thanks so much for your partnership and support.

If you are not, go to and sign up to receive our informative emails and Action Alerts and be sure to following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Join with us as we pursue our vision of a state and nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is honored.