Washington State Renews Attack on Barronelle Stutzman

Washington State Renews Attack on Barronelle Stutzman

The Washington Supreme Court yesterday refused to reconsider it’s ruling against floral artist Barronelle Stutzman in spite of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Masterpiece Cakeshop ruling. That means the nightmare continues for the flower shop owner and her family. Her case goes now back before the U.S. Supreme Court to consider.

Stutzman is a grandmother from Washington State who runs a popular flower shop that has been in her family for generations. Many of our NC Family supporters met Stutzman when she spoke at both the Raleigh and Greenville NC Family Major Speaker Dinners. (A segment from Stutzman’s message at the Raleigh Dinner is featured in next week’s radio show and podcast, Family Policy Matters.) Many of you expressed amazement at her humility and graciousness in the face of these very personal and costly attacks. Stutzman makes it clear that she did not seek out this story, but neither will she back down from it. She fully understands that her case is important to the religious liberty of all Americans of any faith.

As you may remember, Washington State’s attorney general took it upon himself six years ago to bring charges against Stutzman after she prayerfully declined to design wedding floral arrangements for a longtime customer who was marrying another man. After the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Jack Phillips and the Masterpiece Cakeshop case, the Justices sent Stutzman’s case back to the Washington State Supreme Court to reconsider in light of the Masterpiece ruling. The Court’s response yesterday was to uphold its previous ruling against Stutzman.

For some great background information on the case from the attorneys who have defended Stutzman from the beginning, read the article, “Justice Denied: The Washington Supreme Court Rules Against Barronelle Again” on the Alliance Defending Freedom website.