VIDEO: Am I Honoring God This Election?

VIDEO: Am I Honoring God This Election?


Please click on the image below to watch this incredibly INSPIRING video, and then ask yourself “Am I honoring God this election?”


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A helpful personalized NC Family Voter Guide is available to you at:


As Christians, we know that honoring God means looking higher, that our lives are lived in light of a bigger purpose.

And so, we honor God with what we’ve been given: our families, our finances, our very lives.

We honor Him when we preserve the nation He’s entrusted to us and steward our responsibility for her future. We honor God by looking higher than mere politics, acknowledging that God gave us government for our good, and treating our vote as a gift to use for His glory.

As Christians, we are called to choose, even when the choices are hard. So, we must choose carefully, prayerfully.

On this Election Day, will you look higher and honor God with your vote?