Legislation that would protect minors from irreversible transgender procedures is being considered by the North Carolina General Assembly, and we need you to email your legislators and urge them to pass this legislation and protect minors from transgender procedures in North Carolina.
Please TAKE ACTION NOW by visiting NC Family’s Action Center and calling your State Legislators!
Background on the Bill
Bills introduced in the House and Senate would prohibit gender transition procedures for minors in North Carolina. HB 808—Surgical Gender Transition/Minors, sponsored by Representatives Hugh Blackwell (R-Burke), Mark Pless (R-Haywood), Ken Fontenot (R-Nash), and John A. Torbett (R-Gaston), has passed in the House. This version of the bill would make it “unlawful for any physician or other health care provider to provide surgical gender transition procedures to any individual under 18 years of age,” with limited exceptions. The bill would also prohibit health care providers, including physicians, from referring minors to other providers for “surgical gender transition procedures” as defined by the legislation.
The original version of HB 808 also would have prohibited the administration of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to minors, but those provisions were removed from the bill during consideration by the House Health Committee. NC Family will be working with state lawmakers and other advocates to restore these important provisions to the bill as it progresses through the legislature.
NC Family recognizes that children suffering with gender dysphoria and identity issues need our compassion and understanding. We support House Bill 808 because the procedures currently being used—including experimental puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones and surgeries to remove healthy body parts—come with a myriad of negative side effects including irreversible body changes and sterility. In fact, the American College of Pediatricians warns that hormone treatment can lead to physical harms, as well as mental illness and sterility. Sadly, these outcomes are often permanent.
You can learn more about the medical dangers of transgender procedures here.