UPDATE – Charlotte Confronts Controversial Policy Change!

UPDATE – Charlotte Confronts Controversial Policy Change!

The Charlotte City Council is scheduled to consider a highly controversial and hazardous policy change TONIGHT that would put women, children, and families at great risk! The proposal would expand several sections of the Charlotte city code to include legal protections on the basis of “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” and “gender expression.”

According to the Charlotte Observer, “The controversial measure has split the city’s faith and business communities and produced a flood of nearly 40,000 emails to council members. At least 75 people have signed up to speak at the 6 p.m. meeting.”

Pro-family organizations and individuals opposed to the measure are urged to join together at the:

“Don’t Do It Charlotte” Rally
4:00 p.m., Monday, March 2
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center
600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte

Following the rally, participants are encouraged to attend the Charlotte City Council meeting, which begins at 6:00 p.m.

The “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” and “gender expression” proposal being considered by the Charlotte City Council would:

  • Allow a man to go into a women’s restroom, locker room, or shower room, and would allow a woman to go into a men’s restroom, locker room, or shower room, depending upon the individual’s “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” or “gender expression,” and not their biological sex. This ordinance would apply to any “public accommodation,” including hotels, motels, restaurants, schools, day care centers, museums, libraries, parks, amusement parks, pools, gyms, theaters, stadiums, convention centers, retail businesses, shopping malls, etc. The City of Charlotte defines “public accommodation” as, ” a business, accommodation, refreshment, entertainment, recreation, or transportation facility of any kind, whether licensed or not, whose goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages or accommodations are extended, offered, sold or otherwise made available to the public.”
  • Require small business owners – especially those related to the wedding industry – to potentially violate their religious beliefs about marriage or face legal action by the government. Similar “anti-discrimination ordinances” in other states have forced florists, photographers, bakers, bed-and-breakfast owners, and others to decide between violating their sincerely held religious beliefs about sexuality and marriage or paying severe penalties and even facing the closure of their business.
  • Authorize the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee, or any “aggrieved person,” to file an action in State Superior Court and seek monetary damages and other penalties against an individual or business for allegedly violating this amended ordinance. According to the “enforcement/relief” section of the policy, “The court may grant as relief, as it deems appropriate, any permanent or temporary injunction, temporary restraining order, or other order, and may award to the plaintiff actual damages, including compensation for humiliation and embarrassment, and punitive damages, together with court costs and reasonable attorney’s fees in the case of a prevailing plaintiff.”
  • Make Charlotte the first city in the state to adopt a hazardous “public accommodation” ordinance creating legal protections on the basis of an individual’s “sexual orientation,” “general identity,” or “gender expression” as they determine it at any given time. This would place the constitutionally protected privacy rights of women, men and children at great risk, and it would put the constitutionally protected religious liberties of small business owners and others at stake.

Concerned citizens may contact the Charlotte City Council at the following phone numbers and email addresses:

Mayor Dan Clodfelter
Telephone: 704-336-2241

Mayor Pro Tem Michael D. Barnes
Telephone: 704-509-6141

Claire Green Fallon
Telephone: 704-336-6105

David Howard
Telephone: 704-336-4099

Vi Lyles
Telephone: 704-336-3431

Patsy B. Kinsey
Telephone: 704-336-3432

Al Austin
Telephone: 704-336-3185

LaWana Mayfield
Telephone: 704-336-3435

Gregory A. Phipps
Telephone: 704-336-3436

John N. Autry
Telephone: 704-336-2777

Kenny Smith
Telephone: 704-574-7241

Edmund H. Driggs
Telephone: 704-432-7077