Three Important Voting Reminders!

Three Important Voting Reminders!

Here are some helpful reminders as the November 8 General Election draws near.

1.) Voter Registration Extension Ends Today
Today is the last day for voter registration in the 37 counties that received an extension due to Hurricane Matthew. If you live in one of these counties and still need to register, you must fill out theVoter Registration Form and either hand-deliver it to your county Board of Elections office or have it postmarked by the end of business today, Wednesday, October 19. If you miss today’s deadline, you can still register and vote all at once during One-Stop Early Voting (see below).

2.) One-Stop Early Voting Begins Tomorrow
One-Stop Early Voting gets underway on Thursday, October 20 through Saturday, November 5. If you have not yet registered to vote, you can register and vote all at once at these locations during the One-Stop Early Voting period. You cannot register on Election Day.

3.) NC Family Voter Guides Are Online!
It’s not too late to order NC Family Voter Guides in bulk to distribute in your church, community organization and neighborhood. You can also get your own personalized Online NC Family Voter Guide at Please consider emailing these links to people in your address book. For those counties affected by Hurricane Matthew, please don’t hesitate to re-order if you lost your NC Family Voter Guides in the floods.

Whenever you choose to vote this election season, please take family and friends with you! North Carolina votes count more this year than ever! How we vote will affect public policy for families across the state and nation for many years to come!