In the last ten years, the number of individuals in America aged 18-24 who identify as “transgender” increased by 422%, and the increase is similar for those who are aged 25-34. During this same period, there has also been a sharp rise in activism celebrating this lifestyle and fighting for trans “rights.” Why is this happening, and how is this impacting people?
This week on Family Policy Matters, host Traci DeVette Griggs welcomes Dr. Miriam Grossman, world renown psychiatrist and author, to discuss the truth about the transgender movement that has spread like wildfire in American culture.
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Family Policy Matters
The Truth About Transgenderism (with Dr. Miriam Grossman)
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: Thanks for joining us this week for Family Policy Matters. The physical, psychological, emotional, and family related tolls of gender ideology over the past few years may have shocked many Americans, but one doctor was not surprised. She saw this coming and sounded the alarm 15 years ago with her book, You’re Teaching My Child What? A Physician Exposes the Lies of Sex Education and How They Harm Your Child. Dr. Miriam Grossman is a world-renowned child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist whose practice focuses on what she calls gender distressed young people and their parents. Her newest book, Lost in Transnation: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness, exposes the atrocities taking place in medical facilities across our country, and seeks to arm parents with the ammunition to avoid, or if necessary, fight what many families describe as the most difficult challenge of their lives. Dr. Miriam Grossman, welcome back to Family Policy Matters.
MIRIAM GROSSMAN: Well, it’s great to be with you again. Thank you, Traci.
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: All right, so let’s talk about the shifts that you have seen among your adolescent patients and their parents in the last 15 years.
MIRIAM GROSSMAN: Well, Traci, 15 years ago, I never would have seen even one patient who had distress over being a boy or a girl. This condition, which used to be called gender identity disorder and is now called gender dysphoria, used to be so rare that I didn’t expect, when I was in my training to be a doctor and a psychiatrist, and none of us expected to see even one case in our entire lifetime. Because these very rare cases were one in many tens of thousands of people, if not hundreds of thousands. And just to illustrate that point, let me explain that 20 years ago, there were only three clinics that were devoted to helping out kids and families who had distress about being a boy or a girl. Three clinics in the entire world, okay. There was one in London, one in Amsterdam, and one in Toronto, and each of them, 15 or 20 years ago, only had a handful of patients every year, and now there are hundreds of clinics that provide so called gender affirming care, just in our country, and they are seeing hundreds and thousands of patients a year.
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: Right. So how did we get here, do you think, with this dramatic shift? Where did it come from?
MIRIAM GROSSMAN: Quite simply, there was a social, political crusade that very aggressively marched through our institutions, our medical institutions, educational, political, and obviously our entertainment and media and so on. But being a doctor myself, I am focused on that crusade that marched through our medical organizations, the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and so on. So, what happened in those groups is that very vocal activists came in and took over the key groups, the key committees that were charged with making decisions in this area of gender identity. They came in and there might have been a committee of six or twelve people. And these committees would find people that were appointed, who volunteered, and they would have a specific agenda, a specific axe to grind. And so, these committees would end up making recommendations and policy statements regarding this issue of gender distressed kids and how they should best be treated. And there was no debate. And there still is no debate, I have to say, even after all these years and all the evidence that’s come out, especially recently. Evidence that is very alarming, that there is no good long-term evidence showing that these kids benefit from medical interventions. The debate is squashed. There’s no referendum.
And the problem is, Traci, that when parents take their child to a gender clinic, they are not told about the other side of this, that there are many organizations at this point and individual doctors that are speaking up against gender affirming care. Now let me explain. Gender affirming care premise of that model of care, which is the prevailing model in this country and in Canada. The premise is that a child of any age knows best who they are, who their authentic self is, and that their new identity should be rubber stamped by the adults in their lives and by their therapists and doctors without taking a deep dive into what that new identity is all about. Most of these kids who end up proclaiming a identity that is at odds with their physical bodies, their physical reality, are kids that have underlying psychiatric issues. Many of them are on the autism spectrum, they have anxiety, they have depression, they have a history of trauma, they might be self-harming, etc. These are kids who have a lot of psychiatric issues, and that’s what I see in my private practice. But instead of recognizing that these other issues are prompting this new identity that these kids are being told on the internet and at school, that assuming a new identity will solve their emotional issues, their anxiety and their depression and their trauma, that all they need is to identify as the opposite sex or some other possibility and they will feel better.
And these kids fall for it. They’re very vulnerable, and they believe that this is the answer to all their woes. And unfortunately, it begins with a new name and pronouns and a new presentation, but it ends very often on the operating table. And that is why my book Lost in Transnation, we designed a cover that has on it surgical instruments. Because all too often, these kids end up with medical and surgical interventions that disfigured them permanently. You know, a girl that’s placed on testosterone, by three months of testosterone treatment, her voice will forever be lower, and there’s not going to be anything that she can do about that. So even if, after a few months or a few years, she ends up regretting her identification as a boy, and she accepts her body and celebrates being a young woman, her voice will remain deepened, she will forever sound like a man. So, people have to understand these are dangerous experimental interventions, and that is why so many states have passed legislation against them.
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: Okay, well, let’s talk a little bit more about this crusade, then. What is behind this? Is there something deeper behind this? What’s the goal of this crusade?
MIRIAM GROSSMAN: The goal, first of all, is to eliminate male and female, to put it bluntly. To eliminate the fact that humanity is divided into male and female. That is a biological truth, that is an eternal truth. But the proponents of this ideology wish to eliminate that truth.
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: What benefit could they possibly be envisioning by eliminating male and female?
MIRIAM GROSSMAN: That’s a great question. First of all, there’s a financial benefit. Okay, this is going to be a billion-dollar industry. That’s number one. But ideologically, see, you know, the left is always focused on pushing the envelope further and further in terms of deconstructing truth and fighting against biological truths. So, they succeeded in 2013 with the Supreme Court agreeing to redefine marriage. So, they immediately went on to the next campaign. The next campaign was the transgender ideology and eliminating male and female. Now, how do they do that? They try to reach kids at the earliest possible time. So now there’s a whole collection of dozens of books that have been published, and they’re even for the youngest ages, for kids that can’t even read yet. Like board books, you know, for kids that are six or 12 months of age. And they say things like, when you were born, the adults called you either a boy or a girl. They could have been right and they could have been wrong, and only you know who you are.
So, they’re reaching kids at the earliest possible age. And one of the goals of my book is to provide parents with information that they can use, so that they reach their kids first, before their kids are exposed to this dangerous ideology. Parents have to be informed and reach their child first. Now, you know, you’re asking me the big question of why, and I believe there’s many answers to that. Part of it has to do with something called transhumanism, which is a new religion that is based on transcending our biology, transcending being male and female, becoming immortal, living forever. And there are people, and some of them are very wealthy and powerful people that have invested their lives into promoting these ideas, anti-Judeo-Christian morality, not only that, but anti-biology and anti-reality. So, they are trying to construct a new world.
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: Your book is designed to help parents to fight against this very pervasive ideology. What are some things that parents can find in your book that they may find helpful in confronting this?
MIRIAM GROSSMAN: It’s really a goldmine of information, and I’m begging parents, whether you have a kid who’s involved with this ideology or not, especially if your kids are still young, to please read it and be informed. So, some of the information that I give is, for example, a model conversation that a parent or a grandparent or aunt or uncle might have with a child who is announcing, for the first time, I am no longer your daughter, I’m a boy. And I don’t want your audience to be misled and think that it’s only girls that get involved. There’s a great many boys that are also involved. The majority now are girls, but there’s still a great many boys that get sucked into this. And what I provide is a model conversation. How do you talk to your child when they come to you with this outrageous revelation? What do you do with all that? And so, I give this model conversation. I also have a model conversation of how to talk to a teacher, a principal, a therapist, a doctor who may be part of this agenda and may have not done their homework and believe in it, and I give parents the language and the tools that they need to have that conversation. Now, my book is written for regular moms and dads. You don’t need a PhD to read my book. That’s one of the big pluses. The other thing that I do is I have a bunch of appendices that instruct parents, for example, on how to find a proper therapist, how to get control of your child’s internet use. You must be in control of your child’s internet use. You have to know who they are talking to online, because the internet is filled with groomers and filled with people who would like nothing more but to reach your innocent child and influence him or her and become friends with him or her and influence them in a very dangerous direction. And I’ve seen many kids in my office who first get into the transgender ideology from somebody that they met online. The other thing I would just say, in general, is that you want to remind your child, even at a very young age, that your daughter was always a girl and will always be a girl from the first moment that she was created. There are many ways of being a girl, not just one way. Kids are being led to believe that if you’re not a stereotypical boy or girl with the stereotypical interests, that that may mean you’re not a boy or girl. Now that is so preposterous, as you know, but kids don’t know that, so you want to reach your kids first,
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: Right. Well, we’re just about out of time. I think we could talk for a long time, and from what I understand, you’re going to be featured in one of our upcoming magazines for the North Carolina Family Policy Council, so we’ll look forward to that. But Dr. Grossman, tell our listeners where we can follow your good work on this very important topic, and of course, get your new book.
MIRIAM GROSSMAN: Well, my website is, and there’s a ton of information on there. I’m on X @Miriam_Grossman, and then, of course, my most recent book, Lost in Transnation.
TRACI DEVETTE GRIGGS: Dr. Miriam Grossman, thanks for joining us on Family Policy Matters.
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