The 1916 Project: A Review of Seth Gruber’s Must-See Documentary

The 1916 Project: A Review of Seth Gruber’s Must-See Documentary

Last month, pro-life activist Seth Gruber released a documentary called The 1916 Project. Seth, who grew up in a pro-life home, was forever changed when he saw photos of mutilated aborted babies. He was only in high school at the time, but the images impacted him so much that he has dedicated his life to educating people on the harms of abortion and turning our culture of death into a culture of life. Seth is an author, podcaster, public speaker, and founder and CEO of The White Rose Resistance.

The 1916 Project film (there is a book by the same name) is an eye-opening exposé of the abortion movement in America, but it is so much more. The movie uncovers the revolutionaries who brought their wicked ideas to our shores and examines how their evil agendas have shaped our current culture. It is impossible to deny the links between racism, eugenics, the sexual revolution, birth control, abortion, child sacrifice, Nazi Germany, the KKK, Gnosticism, transhumanism, transgenderism and even demonic worship after viewing this documentary.

The film also rightly scrutinizes the apathy found among many Christians today. The movie is a rallying cry and an encouragement to God’s people to be a voice for the sanctity of human life in the public square.

So, how do we change our current culture of death into a culture of life? First, we must realize that the culture of death goes beyond abortion. It also includes the degradation of our families and the promotion of debauchery to our children. Understanding how it all ties together is critical, and exposing the lies we have been told is paramount. We must start with telling the truth about the ideologues, and their ideologies that have poisoned much of our world. The 1916 Project does this masterfully.

Dr. George Grant, Gruber’s friend and advisor, is featured in the film. Dr. Grant is a worldwide expert on Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger. Together, Grant and Gruber expertly describe Sanger and her mentors, revealing the twisted motives they shared for destroying the American family. In the documentary Gruber says, “The culture of death that we are in today is not coincidental, it’s not an accident, it was intentionally created by a set of Marxist, socialist, totalitarian revolutionaries who were engaging in a proxy war attack against Christianity and the American family here in the States.”

The history of the revolutionaries is impactful, even for those who are familiar with the topics of Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, and the abortion movement. The film exposes the decades of foundational work that was done to create the culture that exists today; a history that Planned Parenthood has taken steps trying to hide.

One of the most moving segments of the film is when Gruber travels to Raleigh, NC to meet Bishop Patrick Wooden and Pastor John Amanchukwu of The Upper Room Church of God in Christ. Focusing on their ministry of reaching out to pregnant mothers at abortion clinics, these men of God speak openly about racism and the disproportionate number of black babies being aborted today. They are great examples of how Christians can evangelize in this culture of death and reach lost souls for Christ.

Gruber also travels to Germany where he examines the genocide of the Holocaust and explains the connections between the eugenic efforts of Adolf Hitler and those of Margaret Sanger. There, he also introduces us to the original White Rose Resistance, an inspiring group of Christian students who lost their lives for speaking out against the Nazis during the reign of the Third Reich. It was the Christians who spoke out against the killing of the Jews during World War II, and it is the role of the church to speak out today against killing our unborn children.

The 1916 Project is a must-see for Christians. We know that the killing of innocent babies is never acceptable—on that the Bible is clear—and this documentary also shines a light on the evil predicates from which abortion originated. These wicked origins should encourage us even more to stand up against the evil in our world. The information learned from watching this film will certainly help viewers defend and argue their pro-life beliefs. Seth Gruber is committed to revealing the truth about where our culture is collapsing, no matter how ugly it looks. I pray that we will all accept a challenge to do the same and say, “Here I am God, send me.”

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