NC General Assembly Overrides Governor’s Vetoes and Enacts Three Pro-Family Bills

This evening, the North Carolina General Assembly voted to override Governor Cooper’s vetoes of six bills. These bills include SB 49—Parents’ Bill of Rights, HB 574—Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, and HB 808—Gender Transition/Minors, each of which will significantly help children grow up in a healthy and safe environment. In addition to this, the General […]
POV: “Speaking Truth to Our Gender Dysphoric Neighbors: Motivated By Love and the Best Interest of Another!”

Two realizations hit me hard the moment I held my newborn for the first time. Initially, it was the comprehension of my mother’s love for me. I had no idea that she treasured me so much, until I, too, had a child of my own to treasure. But then, holding my first baby in my […]
Detransitioner in NC Sues Doctors Who Made Her a “Lifelong Medical Patient”

Prisha Mosley, a North Carolina native who has been a courageous leader within the detransition community, has filed suit against her former doctors. After suffering with a variety of severe mental and psychological health problems as a biological female teenager, Prisha thought “transitioning” would solve her problems. Instead of properly treating those health problems, Prisha’s […]
ALERT: Urge Your State House and Senate Members to OVERRIDE Gov. Cooper’s Veto of Three Critically Important Pro-Family Bills!

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper has vetoed the Parents’ Bill of Rights, the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, and a bill that will prohibit gender transition procedures on minors. Now it’s up to the General Assembly to OVERRIDE these misguided vetoes! Please TAKE ACTION NOW by visiting NC Family’s Action Center and calling your State House and Senate Members […]
Gov. Cooper Vetoes Parents’ Bill of Rights, Fairness in Women’s Sports, and Gender Transition Bills

Earlier today, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper vetoed the Parents’ Bill of Rights, the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, and a bill that would prohibit gender transition procedures on minors. While these vetoes were anticipated, it is still discouraging to see our governor stand against these protections for parents, children, and families in North Carolina. […]
State Senate Passes Bill Prohibiting Gender Transition Procedures on Minors

UPDATE: On June 28th, the State House approved the Committee Substitute and passed House Bill 808 a second time with a vote of 67-46. It will now proceed to Governor Roy Cooper to sign, but he will likely veto it, and it will return to General Assembly for an override vote. Last night, the State Senate […]
ALERT: Urge Your State Legislators to Support the Prohibition of Gender Transition Procedures for Minors

Last week, the North Carolina Senate Health Care and Judiciary committees both passed HB 808—Gender Transition/Minors. This Senate Committee Substitute of the bill would make it “unlawful for a medical professional to perform a surgical gender transition procedure on a minor or to prescribe, provide, or dispense puberty-blocking drugs or cross-sex hormones to a minor,” with […]
“Fairness in Women’s Sports Act” Approved By NC Senate, Returns to NC House

UPDATE: On June 22, the State House passed the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act in a concurrence vote of 62-43. The bill now heads to Governor Cooper’s desk. On Tuesday, June 20th, the North Carolina Senate passed HB 574—Fairness in Women’s Sports Act by a vote of 31-17. This bill would direct middle school, high school, and collegiate […]
ALERT: Urge Your State House and Senate Members to Support the Prohibition of Gender Transition Procedures for Minors

Legislation that would protect minors from irreversible transgender procedures is being considered by the North Carolina General Assembly, and we need you to email your legislators and urge them to pass this legislation and protect minors from transgender procedures in North Carolina. Please TAKE ACTION NOW by visiting NC Family’s Action Center and calling your State Legislators! Background on the […]
State Senate Committee Approves “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act” Again

UPDATE: On June 15th, the Senate Rules Committee approved House Bill 574. It now proceeds to the Senate floor. This morning, the North Carolina Senate Committee for Education/Higher Education approved HB 574—Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, a bill that would direct middle school, high school, and collegiate sports teams to be designated as either male, female, […]