Support the N.C. Family Policy Council!

Support the N.C. Family Policy Council!

Dear Friend of the Family,

You are such an important part of the North Carolina Family Policy Council, and I want to thank you for your participation and support. I also want to ask you to consider making a special year-end contribution to enable us to remain on the cutting-edge of important issues like preserving the sanctity of human life, defending marriage as the union of one man and one woman, protecting the religious liberty rights of people of faith, and so much more!

Throughout 2014, the Council has had an extremely busy and productive year:

  • We helped to educate hundreds of thousands of North Carolina voters about candidates running for office this year through our 2014 Voter Guide, which was available in print and through a newly designed Voter Guide website;
  • We worked daily with state legislators and other elected and appointed officials to promote pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-family laws and policies;
  • We continue to work with our legislative leaders to defend the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman, as they appeal the rulings of unelected activist judges who overturned our marriage statutes and Marriage Protection Amendment;
  • We are helping safeguard the religious liberties of Christian business owners, educators, and other people of faith being confronted by activists who are seeking to force the acceptance of same-sex “marriage” on all aspects of our society; and
  • We remain committed to providing timely and valuable insights on the pressing issues of the day through our Family North Carolina magazine, “Family Policy Matters” radio show, “Family Policy Facts” emails, statewide Major Speakers Dinners, and other resources and publications.

And, we have a great deal more in store for 2015!

Thank you again for your support in the past. Please consider making a generous contribution to the North Carolina Family Policy Council as you plan your year-end giving.

Our Sincerest Thanks,


John L. Rustin

P.S. Contributions to the North Carolina Family Policy Council are fully tax-deductible, so make your secure online contribution today!
