Citizens across North Carolina have an incredible opportunity to Stand for Religious Freedom by participating in the Religious Freedom Day of Action on Tuesday, April 28.
This event begins with Coffee & Krispy Kreme Doughnuts with Lt. Governor Dan Forest at 9:00 A.M. at the Office of the Lt. Governor located at 310 N. Blount Street in downtown Raleigh.
Participants will then Check In for the Day of Action at 10:00 A.M. at Halifax Mall behind the Legislative Building in Raleigh to identify your State Legislators and pick up an information packet to share with them about the importance of passing a Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) in North Carolina this year.
Bring your family, friends, colleagues, Bible study group, church, pastors, and others, and join us for a day of grassroots lobbying in support of religious freedom!
See You On Tuesday!
North Carolinians Strongly Support Religious Freedom!
With critical religious freedom legislation currently pending in the North Carolina General Assembly, a new poll released Tuesday finds overwhelming support among registered voters for a state law protecting religious liberty. The telephone survey, conducted for our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom by Clout Research on April 16-19, asked 819 registered voters a series of questions about religious freedom, and found significant support for religious liberty protections in North Carolina across “all demographic and philosophical lines.”
According to the poll’s findings:
- 90 percent agreed that, North Carolinians “should have the right to exercise their own personal freedom of religion.”
- 77 percent agreed that, “North Carolinians’ religious freedoms should be protected under state law.”
- 82 percent agreed that, “citizens of North Carolina who have had their religious freedoms violated by the government [should] be able to get a fair hearing of their grievances in court.”
- 85 percent agreed that, “North Carolinians should be free to live and work according to their faith without fear of being punished by the government.”
- 65 percent agreed that, “there should be a law here in North Carolina that requires the government to prove in court that it is absolutely necessary to violate a citizen’s religious freedoms before it violates that freedom.”