Stand Courageous Men’s Conference Coming To NC, January 24-25

Stand Courageous Men’s Conference Coming To NC, January 24-25

Our friends at the Family Research Council (FRC) in Washington D.C. are hosting a national series of “Stand Courageous Men’s Conferences” across the country, and we are excited that they are bringing this conference to Kernersville, NC on January 24-25!

Men are finding it more and more difficult to respond to the question of how live out authentic manhood in today’s culture. “Is historic masculinity lost forever? Where can men, husbands, fathers find a model of manhood, leadership, and strength in a culture of gender confusion?” asks the Stand Courageous website. “We need men to be men — tough with compassionate strength…We need them to be the people God created them to be: warriors for all that is right, true and just,” writes Tony Perkins, President of FRC. These principles, and more, will be addressed and discussed over the course of the conference.

Speakers include: Tony Perkins, Retired Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, Bishop Larry Jackson, Bishop Patrick Wooden, FCA Director Johnny Evans, and others who are particularly fit for the task of leading discussion on these and other issues.

Sessions will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, January 24, resuming the following morning at 9:00 a.m. and concluding at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, January 25. The conference costs $20 and includes lunch on Saturday.

NC Family encourages men of faith across North Carolina to register and attend this important and inspiring event. Tickets and more information can be found at

Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, live like men, be strong!
Let everything that you do be done in love.
–1 Corinthians 13-14, J.B. Phillips New Translation