Sports Gambling Bill Passes House Committee

Sports Gambling Bill Passes House Committee

The NC House Commerce Committee passed SB 688–Sports Wagering this morning by a 12-4 vote. This bill has not seen action since it passed the State Senate by a 26-21 vote this past August.

NC Family has continually spoken out in opposition to this bill, and President John L. Rustin addressed the House Commerce Committee this morning to outline the dangerous ramifications of this bill. “I would like to ask each of you to consider,” Rustin said to the committee members, “how you would respond if you were presented with a bill that you knew would lead to an increase in domestic violence, child abuse, divorce, substance abuse, theft, embezzlement, job loss, personal bankruptcy, and even suicide.”

Senate Bill 688 would do just that, continued Rustin. “[The bill] will also degrade our state and the rich heritage we have in collegiate, amateur, and professional sports. With the passage of this bill, gambling will become the centerpiece of sports competition in North Carolina, instead of the games themselves…”

Please visit NC Family’s Action Center to contact your State House Member

and urge him or her to OPPOSE SB 688 and legalizing sports gambling in North Carolina!

It is unclear if SB 688 will see any more movement this year, as lawmakers focus on drawing the session to a close as the holidays approach. But NC Family will continue to oppose SB 688, and will keep you informed on the progress of this legislation.