Protecting True Liberty

Protecting True Liberty

We are completing work on this issue of Family North Carolina as students across the State are returning to school and the legislature is preparing to return to Raleigh to consider several constitutional amendments, most notably a Marriage Protection Amendment. The juxtaposition of students returning to their studies and the Legislature returning to governance, provides a reminder of just how important good and proper education is to a functioning and just society. We hope that this publication assists you in continuing your education in the pursuit of Truth.

In addition to deciding which constitutional amendments to put to the people for a vote, the Legislature is rumored to be considering changes to the State’s compact with the Cherokee Indians in Western North Carolina that would allow for a dramatic change in the amount and kind of gambling permitted in the State. This summer, Blackstone Fellow Kyle Jensen immersed himself in North Carolina’s gambling history and law to examine just what it would mean from a historical, legal, and social perspective if such changes come to pass. His feature article explores his important findings, ultimately arguing that allowing Las Vegas-style gambling would present costs high enough as to be irresponsible public policy.

America’s love of liberty has, unfortunately, found itself hijacked by those who seek an unencumbered freedom to engage in and expect legal acceptance of any and all sexual activity. The increasingly hostile encroachment on the importance of marriage best signifies St. Angela Merici’s observation that “Disorder in society is a result of disorder in the family.” The newest front in this disordering is polygamy, which has picked up on the homosexual rights’ success in Lawrence v. Texas as justification to further their push to legalize yet another distortion of marriage. Attorney Mary Summa delves into why this movement for so-called “sexual liberty” may actually spell the end of liberty, and why efforts to legalize polygamy may, ultimately, be the death-knell of the push for same-sex “marriage.”

In an increasingly secular society, Christians constantly hear the tired old refrain telling them to keep their religion out of politics. Rev. Roach provides a Scripturally-based justification for why Christians and churches should be engaged in matters of public policy. While some may find politics uncomfortable, they should find encouragement in Pope Benedict XVI’s reminder that “The world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness.”

The homosexual rights movement is growing increasingly desperate in its attempts to prevent North Carolina citizens from being given the opportunity to protect marriage in the State’s Constitution. The most recent red herring they are throwing out is that protecting marriage will hurt business—a demonstrably false claim that National Organization for Marriage chairman Maggie Gallagher eviscerates head-on.

The pro-life movement is ultimately about saving lives. Kami Mueller examines how the landmark passage of a “Choose Life” license plate this year will move this goal forward. Her piece provides an intimate look into the work of the State’s pregnancy resource centers, who are on the frontlines of the effort to support mothers and their children.

See the Courts page for an update on the Planned Parenthood’s claims that it is entitled to government funds denied to it in this year’s State budget, the battle over funding for the State’s Pre-K program, the North Carolina government prayer case that is making its way to the Supreme Court, and, of course, the most up-to-date developments in the battle over marriage around the country.

Finally, as readers of Family North Carolina have come to expect, this issue includes the 2011 Votes Paper, which tracks legislators’ votes on the top family-related legislation considered this session. From a budget that was balanced without increasing taxes, to several common-sense pro-life measures, and changes to provide parents more choice in education, it was a busy and fruitful legislative session.

Several local municipalities are holding elections in October. Be sure to check your county board of elections, and inform yourself on the races and candidates if you live in one of these areas. Voting is so much more than a right—it is a privilege and honor, and one that we should use to promote Truth and justice. As always, remember to read this issue of Family North Carolina from front to back before sharing it with your spouse, child, pastor, neighbor, coworker, or friend.


Brittany Farrell is assistant director of policy for the North Carolina Family Policy Council and editor of Family North Carolina.