Protect Children and Fight the “Equality Act” Through These Two Events

Protect Children and Fight the “Equality Act” Through These Two Events

As NC Family shared last week, H.R. 5, or the so-called “Equality Act,” was recently introduced in the U.S. Congress. Our nation’s lawmakers are likely to vote on this potentially devestating legislation sometime soon.

To stand against this bill, and to provide further information about its harmful effects, we encourage you to participate in these two upcoming events this week!

The Promise to America’s Children

First, tomorrow, Tuesday, February 23, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are hosting a virtual event entitled “The Promise to America’s Children: Protecting Kids from Extreme Gender Ideology and Laws.” This event will begin at 10:30 AM ET, and will feature an interview with U.S. Representative Vicky Hatzler (R-MO). Following the interview, there will be a panel discussion between Alliance Defending Freedom’s Greg Baylor, Dr. Michelle Cretella of the American College of Pediatricians, and Maria Keffler of Partners for Ethical Care.

Sign up here to attend this special virtual event!

Screen Shot 2021-02-22 at 3.16.35 PM.png#EqualityActExposed Rally

The second event this week will be the #EqualityActExposed virtual rally hosted by our friends at Family Policy Alliance. This event will begin on Wednesday, February 24 at 10:00 AM ET. During the one-hour rally, you’ll hear from prominent leaders across the political spectrum and audience participation is encouraged, virtual-style. Presenters include Family Research Council, Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF), The Heritage Foundation, Concerned Women for America, and more!

Sign up here to attend this rally and to stand against the so-called “Equality Act”!


Contact Your Legislators

Finally, if you have not already acted on NC Family’s Action Alert, please contact your U.S. House member and urge them to oppose the so-called “Equality Act.” You can Take Action HERE!