Pastors and Faith Leaders of Charlotte Called To Unite

Pastors and Faith Leaders of Charlotte Called To Unite

Pastors and faith leaders in and around Charlotte are urged to attend an informational meeting next Wednesday at First Baptist Church to learn how they can stand up for religious freedom and defend community decency. As we reported in our story, “It’s Back! Charlotte ‘Bathroom’ Ordinance Re-Emerges,” the Charlotte City Council plans to vote on an amendment to its “public accommodations” ordinance that would: (1) allow men to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms anywhere within city limits; and (2) force businesses to provide services for same sex weddings, even if it violates a sincerely held religious belief; among other things.

 In response to this attack on religious liberty and common decency, Dr. Mark Harris, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church, Charlotte is holding an informational meeting this Wednesday that is intended to educate leaders about the nature of the ordinance and equip them with the necessary tools to stand against it.

Who: Pastors and Faith Leaders in and around Charlotte

What: Informational meeting regarding the upcoming “non discrimination” ordinance to be voted on by the Charlotte City Council

When: January 27th, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Where: First Baptist Church Charlotte, 301 S, Davidson St., Charlotte, NC 28202 (in the Parlor/Conference Room)

The proposed amendment to the city code, would force businesses, schools, and other “public accommodations” within the Charlotte city limits to allow men to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms and women to use men’s restrooms and locker rooms. It would also require business owners to provide products and services for events related to same-sex weddings or be faced with legal action by the government.

First Baptist, Charlotte also invites you to eat lunch before the meeting at their weekly “Power Lunch” from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Dr. Harris will lead a devotional from 12:20 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cost is $6.00.

If you are interested in attending the lunch or the meeting please email us at, and we will pass along your RSVP to First Baptist Church.