Participate in Pro-Family Events in October!

Participate in Pro-Family Events in October!

October is a busy month for the pro-family movement, with a number of national and local events scheduled to help promote life, protect religious freedom, and educate the public about the harms of pornography. To make it easier for concerned citizens to keep track and participate, the North Carolina Family Policy Council has compiled a list of upcoming events in October, organized by date:


  • September 24 – November 2: The 40 Days for Life Fall Campaign is underway now. This twice annual event mobilizes pro-lifers in local communities across the world “to end the injustice of abortion through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and peaceful vigil” outside of abortion clinics nationwide. Go here for a list of locations in North Carolina.
  • Sunday, October 5: The 27th Annual Life Chain is “a peaceful and prayerful public witness of pro-life individuals standing for 90 minutes praying for our nation and for an end to abortion.” During the 90-minute life chain, participants hold signs with pre-approved messages, including: “Abortion Kills Children,” and “Pray to End Abortion.” For information on an event in your community, go here, and click on North Carolina.
  • Sunday, October 5: Pulpit Freedom Sunday is an annual event sponsored by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) that asks pastors to: 1) Sign a petition opposing the Johnson Amendment, which the IRS has used to censor what pastors preach from the pulpit; and/or 2) Sign up to preach an election day sermon on October 5.
  • Sunday, October 12: iPledge Sunday is a national simulcast for churches sponsored by a coalition of pro-family groups, including Family Research Council, Wallbuilders, Concerned Women for America, Catholic Vote, and Live Action, among others. The webcast will feature national speakers, such as FRC’s Tony Perkins and pro-life activist Lila Rose, who will detail “a national strategic plan that will bear fruit within 30 days and will greatly impact the critical midterm elections.”
  • Thursday, October 16: Bring Your Bible to School Day is a new religious freedom event sponsored by Focus on the Family “when thousands of students will celebrate religious freedom and share God’s hope with peers.” Go here to download a free event guide.
  • October 26 – November 1: White Ribbons Against Pornography Week (WRAP) is a nationwide effort “to educate the public on the harms from pornography and the many resources available to aid those affected.” Morality in Media, one of the event sponsors, offers a variety of free resources, including a draft proclamation for local leaders to sign, handouts, and suggested social media posts.