NC Senate Votes to Override Gov. Cooper’s Veto of Born-Alive Bill!

NC Senate Votes to Override Gov. Cooper’s Veto of Born-Alive Bill!

The NC Senate voted this evening to override Governor Roy Cooper’s veto of SB 359 – Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Governor Cooper vetoed the bill on April 18, along with issuing a statement in which he called the bill “needless” and “an unnecessary interference between doctors and their patients.”

The veto override acquired the necessary three-fifths majority of present and voting Senators, with 30 voting in favor and 20 voting against the measure. Senator Don Davis (D-Greene) was the only Democrat to vote in favor of the override. The bill now heads to the House, where once again it needs a three-fifths majority of members present and voting to pass. It is unknown at this time when the bill will appear on the House calendar for a vote. Should SB 359 pass the House, it will become law over the objection of Governor Cooper.

NC Family will be working tirelessly at the NC Legislature to urge Representatives to vote in favor of this veto override. You can also Take a Stand for Life by visiting NC Family’s Action Center to email your representatives and urge them to stand with their Senate colleagues in overriding Governor Cooper’s veto of SB 359. Thank you for joining with NC Family and our allies as we fight for the rights of unborn and newborn babies across our state!