NC Family Urges Governor to Suspend Abortions Amidst Pandemic

NC Family Urges Governor to Suspend Abortions Amidst Pandemic

NC Family has joined five other statewide pro-life organizations in urging Governor Roy Cooper to suspend elective abortions in North Carolina in light of the current coronavirus pandemic. The request follows a March 20 directive by State Secretary of Health and Human Services Mandy Cohen to hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers in the state to “suspend all elective and non-urgent procedures and surgeries” as of Monday, March 23, 2020. A CBS news report on Monday quoted State Health Department spokeswoman Sarah Peel saying “abortion clinics would not be covered by a directive asking hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers to suspend all elective and non-urgent procedures and surgeries.”

“It is unconscionable that Governor Roy Cooper and our state’s health leaders would ban elective surgeries and non-urgent medical procedures in light of COVID-19, and at the same time create a special carve out for abortion and the abortion industry,” said NC Family President John L. Rustin. “While the entire world is taking unprecedented measures to protect and save human lives, North Carolina has decided to turn a blind eye toward unborn children and their mothers. This shows just how far the abortion industry and its allies are from the notion of keeping abortion ‘safe, legal, and rare!’ Even in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, they are intent on exterminating the lives of unborn babies and exposing their mothers to a life-threatening virus and other significant health risks,” Rustin concluded.

Decades of abortion research clearly shows that the majority of abortions are elective and rarely if ever required to prevent serious harm or death to the mother. In addition, both surgical and chemical abortions carry substantial risks for the mother and will only serve to place more strain on an already heavily taxed medical system.

This is why on Tuesday, March 24, NC Family signed onto a letter to Governor Roy Cooper urging the Governor to ban abortion in North Carolina and to take other necessary steps to protect the lives of mothers, babies and all North Carolinians during this global coronavirus pandemic. The letter was initiated by the NC Values Coalition and also signed by Concerned Women for America of North Carolina, Christian Action League of NC, NC Faith and Freedom Coalition, and NC Right to Life.

“While we are in a hectic race to save lives, abortion providers remain insistent on taking the lives of innocent unborn children,” the letter states. “While surgery centers postpone elective and diagnostic procedures, abortion centers are churning out surgical and chemical abortions and putting women, especially the poor, at risk. Their continued operation depletes sorely needed personal protective equipment and leads to complications that will further overwhelm already overextended emergency rooms.”

You can contact Governor Roy Cooper at (919) 814-2000 to urge him to stop elective abortions in North Carolina during this time of global pandemic.