Born Alive Abortion Survivor Bill Moves Forward in NC Legislature

Born Alive Abortion Survivor Bill Moves Forward in NC Legislature

Two identical and crucial bills designed to save the lives of babies who are born alive after a failed abortion saw important action in the N.C. General Assembly this week! SB 359–Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Actpassed the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday and the Senate Rules Committee today. Companion House bill, HB 602, was approved by the House Health Committee this afternoon. Both bills are expected to be heard on the floor of their respective chambers early next week.

“We applaud the members of the N.C. General Assembly who support these critical life saving measures,” said NC Family President John L. Rustin. “These bills are not about abortion, but are about recognizing, honoring and caring for the lives of newborn babies who are born alive. Suggesting anything less is barbaric, inhumane and indefensible!”

As NC Family discusses in an Issue Brief on SB 359 and HB 602, these bills would require that babies who are born alive after a failed abortion receive the same level of care “as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age.” They would also require that the child “is immediately transported and admitted to a hospital.”

SB 359 has been included on the Senate Calendar for a floor vote Monday night. Meanwhile, HB 602 moves on to the House Rules Committee.

Please join NC Family as we urge our state lawmakers to support these important and necessary bills. You can contact your legislators about these and other pro-life bills through NC Family’s Action Center