National March for Marriage This Saturday!

National March for Marriage This Saturday!

Marriage supporters from across the United States are gathering in Washington, D.C. this Saturday, June 25 for the Fourth Annual March for Marriage. This year’s event will be the first such event since the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark ruling last summer that imposed the redefinition of marriage upon every state in the nation, invalidating the 31 state constitutional amendments which had upheld the traditional definition of marriage. Participants will gather on the National Mall for a rally at noon, followed by the March down Constitution Avenue to the front of the Supreme Court building.

According to the March for Marriage website, participants will “protest the illegitimate ruling of the Supreme Court redefining marriage,” as well as the fallout from that decision, including “President Obama’s outrageous and illegal actions to redefine gender.” Participants will also use the rally to urge Congress to take decisive action to protect the rights of marriage supporters and guard them from persecution.

Organizers emphasize that in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision, it “is critical to show [that] the majority of Americans continue to believe that marriage is as God created it — the union of one man and one woman — [and] that resistance is strong and that the marriage movement remains vital.” Previous marches have drawn tens of thousands of Americans to the nation’s capital to stand for the preservation of society’s most foundational institution: families led by married mothers and fathers.