Family North Carolina Spring 2015

Family North Carolina Spring 2015

The flagship publication of the North Carolina Family Policy Council is Family North Carolina magazine. Click here to subscribe online or write NC Family at: P.O. Box 20607, Raleigh, NC 27619. You may also call us at 919-807-0800 or email us at to begin receiving Family North Carolina magazine.

About This Issue

AT ISSUE: Redecorating

For the past month, I’ve been knee-deep in boxes, bubble wrap, and newspaper, packing up my family’s belongings as we moved from a rental to a new house. As grateful as my husband and I are to be homeowners again, moving with two kids in the middle of a school year has been exhausting! Now…

Feature Story

Religious Freedom Under Fire: Why NC Can’t Wait to Protect Free Speech & Free Exercise

Freedom of speech, the freedom to believe, and the freedom to act according to those beliefs are principles so hallowed in the American soul that our nation’s courtrooms, classrooms, and most corners of the public square have honored and sustained these freedoms for more than 200 years. Any move to censor, subordinate, or erase these…

Spotlight Story

Bad “Medicine,” Wrong Policy: Red Flags from Colorado’s Marijuana Experiment

Before North Carolina buys into the marijuana lobby’s PR message that pot is a “harmless” and legitimate “medicine,” lawmakers would be wise to consider the impact of legalization in states like Colorado, which was one of the first to legalize the drug for “medical” and recreational use in 2000 and 2012, respectively. As such, Colorado…

Spotlight Story

Darkness To Light: NC Ministries Serve Trafficking Victims

“It’s really a dark issue.” “It’s just a hard, hard, life.” Since state lawmakers enacted major legislation aimed at curbing the prevalence of human sex trafficking in North Carolina, a growing number of individuals and groups have stepped up to start, assist, and grow ministries to help and support victims of the modern slave trade…

Commentary From the President​

Perspective: The Truth About RFRA

Dear Friends, As citizens of the United States of America, we are tremendously blessed to live in the freest nation on earth. At its most fundamental roots, our country was founded on the principle of religious liberty. Our forefathers came to the shores of this land in order to escape religious persecution and the dictates…