It’s Time To March for Life!

It’s Time To March for Life!

There are two major opportunities this month to publicly express your support for the value of human life as a precious gift from God. The North Carolina Rally and March for Life is in downtown Raleigh this Saturday, January 18, 2020; and the National March for Life is in Washington, D.C. next Friday, January 24, 2020.

The North Carolina Rally begins at 1:00 p.m. this Saturday, January 18 at the Bicentennial Plaza on Edenton Street in Raleigh, immediately followed by the march. The Keynote address this year will be presented by Kurt Kondrich who speaks out against the aborting of babies diagnosed with Down syndrome. Maps and information about parking are available at the  NC Right to Life website ( or by clicking here.

The Washington D.C. March for Life is the next Friday, January 24. The Rally begins at noon on the National Mall, followed by a march up Constitution Avenue. Additionally, there are quite a few  related events in the days before and after the March. The March for Life Expo, with displays from pro-life organizations from all over the country, runs before and after the March on Friday, and there is also a pre-rally concert beginning at 11:00 a.m. Among the many speakers at the National March for Life are abortion survivor Claire Culwell, Marjorie Dannenfelser with the Susan B. Anthony List, and Jim Daly with Focus on the Family. For more information, go to the March For Life website at or click here.