Elections Two Weeks Out: Not Too Late To Order Voter Guides!

Elections Two Weeks Out: Not Too Late To Order Voter Guides!

One-Stop Early Voting is well under way, and the 2016 General Election is just two weeks from today. But it’s not too late to order Voter Guides in bulk to distribute to your church, community group or neighborhood. And you can obtain your own personalized Voter Guide online from the NC Family Policy Council at any time at ncfamilyvoter.com.

Once again, North Carolina is a top battleground state in the national election scene, and most statewide elections are currently polling at razor-thin margins, meaning EVERY VOTE COUNTS! This is especially true, because the outcome of many top-ballot races in North Carolina will have implications for the future of religious liberty, sanctity of life and other critical issues in our country moving forward.

Accordingly, it’s more important than ever to take the initiative to encourage your friends, church members, and neighbors to: (1) be informed and (2) get out and vote!

Some Ways You Can Help Get Out The Vote

  • Send personal emails or make phone calls to your friends and family to encourage them to vote.
  • Be willing to accompany elderly friends or neighbors to the polls.
  • Encourage your contacts on social media to vote! Feel free to share messages from NC Family’s FacebookTwitter, and Instagram pages.
  • Encourage your fellow church members to vote by posting messages on the church website, Facebook page, Sunday bulletin, or email list.

Remember to include a link to the NC Family Voter Guide website at ncfamilyvoter.com.