Did You Know This About the Constitution?

Did You Know This About the Constitution?

Today is Constitution Day, marking 237 years since the signing of the Constitution. This document has shaped American history and Western civilization in immeasurable ways, and yet it often does not get the attention it deserves. So here are few fun facts about the Constitution.

  • Of the written national constitutions, the U.S. Constitution is the oldest and shortest.
  • More than 11,000 amendments have been introduced in Congress. 33 have gone to the states to be ratified and 27 have received the necessary approval from the states to actually become amendments to the Constitution.
  • Established on November 26, 1789, the first national “Thanksgiving Day” was originally created by George Washington as a way of “giving thanks” for the Constitution.

What Else You Can Do

Here are a few extra resources to help you fully embrace the spirit of the day.

Read the Constitution for Yourself | Better yet, grab your spouse, your children, or a friend and read it with them. Here’s the link!

Learn More About What the Constitution Means | PragerU put together a helpful series on the Constitution, covering everything from why America is a republic to how the Constitution impacts the Supreme Court. Watch it here!

Watch a Cartoon Telling the Story of the Constitution | If you want a more fun way to learn about the Constitution, the cartoon Liberty’s Kids has an episode telling the story of how the Constitution came into existence. Watch it for free here!