Today is Detrans Awareness Day, a day dedicated to bringing attention to those men and women who previously identified as transgender but have now detransitioned back to their biological gender. The group in charge has scheduled events across the country and provided a variety of materials to educate people about the process of detransitioning. While you might not be able to attend one of these events, here are some ways that you can support detransitioners.
Detransition can be defined as: the stopping or reversal of transitioning which could be social (gender presentation, pronouns), medical (hormone therapy), surgical, or legal.
Learn More About Their Experience
We recently interviewed Kallie Fell on our podcast, “Family Policy Matters.” Kallie is a part of the team that produced the documentary The Detransition Diaries: Saving Our Sisters, which tells the stories of three girls who detransitioned from living life as boys.
In this interview, Kallie shared that part of their motivation for the project was they were finding that, “Detransitioners were being silenced, being vilified by the medical community, and their voices weren’t being heard.” Their stories are some of the best examples of the dangers of transgenderism, and their voices deserve to be heard.
You can listen to Kallie’s interview here, or stream The Detransition Diaries here.
Learn More About Transgenderism
The best way to combat the dangers that transgenderism poses is through education. NC Family has a variety of resources available to help inform you about various aspects of this topic.
Signs of Hope and Truth for Trans Identifying Youth
This article outlines some of the many ways that transgender procedures can harm children and young adults. Adamo goes on to share some of the studies that are coming out about these damages, and the subsequent measures that are being taken to address these concerns.
“We Don’t Know What We’re Doing:” A Doctor’s Perspective On The Transgender Movement
This podcast features Dr. Stan Goldfarb, the board chair at Do No Harm. In this episode, Dr. Goldfarb outlines why the transgender movement has gained such significant ground and some of the dangers it has brought with it.
The Real Victims of Transgender Ideology
In this two-part podcast series from “Family Policy Matters,” host Traci DeVette Griggs interviews a North Carolina mother named Kristie whose daughter came out as transgender in high school. She shares her experience as the mother of a transgender child, and the challenges that she faced as she tried to get her daughter help for her gender dysphoria.
POV: Reviewing Irreversible Damage and Transgender Ideology
In this article, Julie Tisdale shares her review of the book Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier. She shares, “It’s almost certainly the most important book I’ll read this year.”
Request a Copy of the Parent Resource Guide
This guide offers a variety of information that can help parents as they and their children navigate transgenderism. It clarifies some confusing terminology, outlines some of the health consequences, debunks some popular myths, and offers guidance so that parents can create a culture that is based on truth and compassion.
Stay Alert to Transgender Messaging
As the culture continues to increasingly celebrate and promote the transgender lifestyle, it is vital to remain aware of the messages that we are consuming. Recently, American Girl released a book encouraging children to pursue hormone blockers if they were experiencing gender dysphoria, and this is just one example of a household name giving into woke culture and promoting this ideology directly to children.
The individuals who have detransitioned are being incredibly brave for speaking out against the dominant culture and sharing the painful details of their experience. It is critical that we not only acknowledge them and their message, but that we learn from their experiences and prevent children from following in their path.