Celebrating American Uniqueness: Religious Freedom

Celebrating American Uniqueness: Religious Freedom

Personal Freedom

I often joke with people when they ask me about my profession and say, “I do the two things no one ever wants to talk about.” That’s right! I have sat in silence on short and long plane flights alike after that question was asked by my seat-mate and I gave them the answer, “religion and politics.” Clearly, this is both an oversimplification of reality and an answer that requires mental gymnastics by those who don’t think those two realms are supposed to mix.

The truth, however, is that our call and commission as Christ followers to be salt and light should never stop at a perceived “line in the sand” or at the end of a sphere of influence. Instead, my calling to be the hands and feet of Jesus should be ever-present in my heart and mind wherever I go and to whomever I speak. It just so happens that God has called and equipped me to share Him in the public policy realm.

I grew up in the home of a pastor, and thanks in part to the faithful witness of my parents, I trusted Christ as my Savior as an 11-year-old boy. As I grew in my faith and walk with Jesus, I felt a calling to ministry, and when I was a senior in high school, I surrendered my life to full-time Christian ministry. Because I was raised in a pastor’s home, full-time Christian service looked like being a pastor in a church, so off to Bible College and seminary I went. As a pastor in some shape or form for over 15 years, I was always drawn to public policy and sharing truth with elected officials in a way that would affect positive change for churches and families.

God blessed me with the opportunity to join the Family Policy Council movement over 10 years ago, so that I was able both to be a Pastor and to influence public policy and policymakers. Five years ago, God allowed me to transition into full-time family policy work.

Freedom Worth Celebrating

My life is a testament to God’s grace, redemption, and hope. The story that He is continually writing through me is one that may not have been possible if it weren’t for the exceptional place and time into which I was born. You and I are blessed to be part of the greatest, most uniquely-free country on the face of the planet, possibly ever! In my opinion, chief among the greatest liberties that we have been afforded by God and recognized in our founding documents is Religious Freedom. Without religious freedom, my story and countless stories just like mine, and possibly yours, would not be dreamed of, let alone exist.  

American’s freedom of religion is vital to the success and longevity of our great Republic. In an 1835 book written by two British Ministers sharing their impressions of their visit to America, Andrew Reed and James Matheson write, “America will be great if America is good. If not, her greatness will vanish away like a morning cloud.” My understanding and interpretation of this expression is both celebratory and challenging.

Thank God for America and our unique religious freedom. People and nations across this globe long for the ability to not only believe as they choose, but also practice and exercise their right of conscience. As people who have inherited this freedom, we should express our gratitude to the generations who have gone before us and ultimately to the Ruler of Heaven and Earth who blessed us.

As an heir of this religious freedom that I’ve been blessed to enjoy, I’m also challenged and motivated to ensure that I fulfill my calling to this and the next generation. If you and I cease to practice our faith and instill God-given virtue into our children and churches and communities, the statement of those two British pastors won’t be an affirmation of American exceptionalism, but a harbinger of our undoing.

I’m reminded of the words of our Savior Jesus Christ when He said,

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

Matthew 5:14-16 (ESV)

As Citizens of God’s Kingdom in Heaven who are blessed to be partakers of this great religious freedom here on Earth, let us celebrate in a way that inspires those around to participate in this amazing blessing. May we live our lives as salt and light so that God’s Word may be shared freely here in America and across the globe. You and I are blessed with religious freedom, so let’s be the hands and feet of Christ so our Heavenly Father may be glorified.