POV: “One Team; One Life” – A Marine’s Perspective on Marriage

“One Team, One Fight” is a phrase that is likely familiar to all U.S. service members. It is a convenient title for many videos and articles both by and for the military, often about “joint”/inter-service cooperation in training and combat. In my experience as a Marine Corps helicopter pilot, this concept can apply to high-level […]

Marriage, Saint Valentine, and the Truth About “True Love”

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, everywhere we look there are chocolates, red roses, and romantic gestures. While this is the “heart” of Valentine’s Day (pun intended), these types of things are not the sole foundation of healthy and thriving relationships. This week on Family Policy Matters, host Traci DeVette Griggs welcomes marriage coach […]

Parents’ Bill of Rights Passes NC Senate

This afternoon, the N.C. Senate passed SB 49, more commonly known as the Parents’ Bill of Rights, on a party-line vote of 29-18, with all Republicans voting for the bill and all Democrats voting against it. Last week, SB 49 passed both the Senate Education/Higher Education and the Senate Health Care Committees, where NC Family testified […]

Creating a Family Friendly Workplace

Parents today are often torn between their children and their work, but what if this didn’t have to be the case? This week on Family Policy Matters, host Traci DeVette Griggs welcomes back Patrick T. Brown, author and Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, to discuss some policies that can be implemented that would […]

Parents’ Bill of Rights Moves Forward in NC Senate

(UPDATE: On Thursday morning, February 2, the N.C. Senate Health Care Committee approved SB 49. The bill now proceeds to the Senate Rules Committee for consideration.) Earlier today (Wed., Feb. 1), the N.C. Senate Education/Higher Education Committee considered and approved SB 49—Parents’ Bill of Rights, a bill designed to affirm, strengthen, and protect the rights […]

POV: You Cannot “Drag” My Kids Away

“[A]n angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, ‘Get up, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.’” (Mt 2:13) Although Christmas seems like a distant memory now, I […]

Protecting Our Teens (Even When They Push Us Away)

Did you know that adolescence doesn’t end until the age of 25? Did you know that suicide is the second leading cause of death among college students? Did you know that marijuana is up to 10 times stronger now than it was just a generation or two ago? These are just a handful of the […]

Rebuilding the American Family

The family unit is the foundation of human society, but in the American culture we are continuing to witness a decline in the family structure. Simultaneously we’re seeing high rates of both single-parent homes and abortion. Add to this the legal redefinition of marriage, and it becomes clear that the family unit is suffering in […]

Caring For Our Young Children

“Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.” – John F. Kennedy As Kennedy said, children are our best hope for the future. As such, it is critical that we invest in them and help them to grow into healthy adults. This week on Family Policy Matters, host Traci […]

World Cup Players Prefer First-Name Basis

The World Cup has given soccer fans some riveting performances this year! While I was personally rooting for the US men’s national team, I was not surprised when the US was eliminated by the talented Netherlands team, which was subsequently taken out by overall winner Argentina. During the Dutch team’s time in the World Cup, […]