Giving Marriage A Voice

April Readlinger, Executive Director of CanaVox, discusses CanaVox’s international work in strengthening marriages through the use of reading groups, and how open and honest conversations about marriage with like-minded individuals can reestablish the idea of community. Family Policy Matters Transcript: Giving Marriage A Voice JOHN RUSTIN: Thank you for joining us for Family Policy Matters. We […]

Faith Amidst Suffering

Dr. Frank Moncher, a clinical psychologist and consultant for the Diocese of Arlington, VA and Catholic Charities USA, speaks to the struggles many adults experience in caring for their aging and infirmed parents, and addresses the growing trend of assisted suicide. Furthermore, Dr. Moncher offers insight towards how our faith both influences our view of […]

Retaking Religious Liberties

Greg Baylor, senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom and the Director of ADF’s Center for Religious Schools. Baylor unpacks how religious and moral objections to the Obamacare contraceptive mandate have played out judicially under the aid of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and if the Trump administration has done enough to provide protections for these […]

The God-Shaped Brain and the Aging Brain

Dr. Timothy Jennings, a board-certified psychiatrist, author, Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatrist Association, and President of Come and Reason Ministries. Dr. Jennings explains how our physical bodies are very much connected to our spiritual souls, and how engaging and experiencing God, truth, and love can result in better health and better life, especially as […]

Is Church Optional?

Joe Carter, an editor for The Gospel Coalition and of the NIV Lifehacks Bible, discusses why many Christians do not attend church, the importance of attendance, and how pastors and parishioners can better welcome visitors, particularly Millennials, into their congregations. Family Policy Matters Transcript: Is Church Optional? THOMAS GRAHAM: Thank you for joining us for this […]

Drawing Young People Out Of A Culture Of Isolationism

Cristina Barba, Founder and President of The Culture Project International, which seeks to restore culture through the experience of virtue. Christina, who has had a lifelong passion for proclaiming the dignity of human life, was awarded the 2016 Defender of Life Award by Students for Life of America, and she joins us today to discuss […]

A New Kind Of Adoption

There’s a new sort of adoption gaining ground. And it warrants some close scrutiny. I’ve written recently about In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), and why adoption might be a better option for couples to consider. I was discussing typical options like adopting infants domestically or internationally, or adopting children through foster care. However, across America, there are […]

Lessons From Little Ones About The Heart Of God

Erin Hawley, Law Professor at the University of Missouri and wife of newly elected U.S. Congressman Josh Hawley of Missouri, discusses her new book, Living Beloved: Lessons from my little ones about the heart of God. Family Policy Matters Transcript: Lessons From Little Ones About The Heart Of God TRACI GRIGGS: This is Family Policy Matters, […]

POV: In Defense of Millennials

Everywhere we go, people ask my college professor husband, “What’s up with young people these days?” They think he has a unique perspective on “what’s wrong with those darned Millennials!” And he does. But it’s not the assessment people often expect. He usually answers something along the lines of: “The young people I know make […]

2018 Winston-Salem Dinner with Bruce Ashford

Bruce Ashford discusses the Christian faith and public life, church and state

NC Family’s 2018 Annual Major Speakers Dinner in Winston-Salem, NC on Thursday, November 8, 2018 featured Dr. Bruce Ashford, Provost and Professor of Theology & Culture at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Click the video below to watch this remarkable address.     Bruce Ashford Bruce Ashford, Provost and Professor of Theology & Culture at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. […]