The Impact of Technology on Family Relationships

Dr. Kathy Koch, Founder and President of Celebrate Kids, Inc. discusses the impact technology is having on family relationships, particularly among young people, and what parents can do to help ensure that their children develop an appropriate relationship with technology. This show originally aired in January of 2018 and was one of our most popular […]

The Dangers of Breaking From Our Constitution

 Dr. Adam Carrington, assistant professor of politics at Hillsdale College’s Graduate School of Statesmanship, unpacks the recent trend of states passing legislation to do away with the Electoral College, and the repercussions of state lawmakers, as well as presidential candidates, desiring to break from tradition. Carrington also addresses other proposed changes to our Constitution, […]

The Woman Who Inspired “Unplanned”

 Abby Johnson, the former Planned Parenthood Clinic Director whose story of transformation and redemption is featured on screen in the film Unplanned, now in theaters. Johnson discusses her inspiring story, her ministry And Then There Were None for abortion clinic employees seeking a way out, and how Unplanned came to be. Family Policy Matters […]

LGBT Activists Seek A Myriad Of Changes To NC Law

Several “LGBT rights” bills were introduced in the NC General Assembly this week, as LGBT activists are attempting to change state law on three main fronts. The following is a brief summary of each of these measures: Equality For All (HB 514 / SB 455) These bills propose to establish “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” […]

Breaking Down and Building Up: Healing From Abuse

Crystalina Evert, founder of Women Made New Ministries and co-founder of Chastity Project. Pulling from her own personal experience, Evert speaks on the trauma of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, and how abuses in a woman’s past affects her present views, relationships, and feelings. Evert also walks through the step-by-step healing process she finds most […]

Parenting for an Immortalized Future

Barrett Johnson, co-founder of I.N.F.O. For Families, which stands for Imperfect and Normal Families Only. Johnson addresses the trend we have seen in recent years of public figures having their pasts come back to haunt them, and how parents can protect, teach, and prepare their children to make wise choices in an era where nearly […]

Reframing Foster Care to Independence

Miriam Cobb, founder and director of The Empty Frames Initiative, discusses how Empty Frames reaches out to young people who are aging out of foster care, and how relationships and community are essential to the ability to live independently. Family Policy Matters Transcript: Reframing Foster Care to Independence THOMAS GRAHAM: Thank you for joining us for […]

Unmasking the Pro-Abortion Agenda

Steven Aden, chief legal officer and general counsel for Americans United for Life (AUL), one of the country’s preeminent pro-life legal organizations, discusses recent anti-life legislation as well as AUL’s annual Life List, a ranking of every state in regards to the status of their pro-life laws. Aden focuses on North Carolina’s placement specifically, and […]

The Cross and the Storm-Tossed Family

Russell Moore discusses Christians, racism, and family

Dr. Russell Moore, President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southeastern Baptist Convention, and the author of Christianity Today’s 2019 Book of the Year, The Storm-Tossed Family: How the Cross Reshapes the Home. Dr. Moore offers a practical, realistic perspective for nurturing and maintaining a healthy biblical family life that reflects the […]

Expert Insight Into NC’s Upcoming Legislative Session

Skip Stam talks about pro-life politics and the legislative session

This week on Family Policy Matters, NC Family is pleased to bring you a special look into one of our Cornerstone Community calls. Our most recent call featured special guest Paul “Skip” Stam, former Speaker Pro Tempore of the North Carolina House of Representatives. Along with NC Family President John Rustin, Stam shares his insight […]