Flowers, Faith, and Religious Freedom

 Religious liberty is a tough concept to grasp. For Americans, it often means figuring out how to balance religious convictions with all of the other rights granted in our Constitution, some of which conflict at times. Many of those rights were granted in the first ten amendments and are often referred to as the […]

Artificial Intelligence: For Good Or Evil

 Jason Thacker, Creative Director at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, discusses Artificial Intelligence, or AI. Thacker explains the benefits and dangers stemming from the use of AI, and where the Church can enter into this discussion. Family Policy Matters Transcript: Artificial Intelligence: For Good Or Evil TRACI GRIGGS: Thank you for joining us today […]

Fathers Aren’t Disposable

Pat Fagan discusses demographic winter and fertility

 Dr. Pat Fagan, Director of the Marriage and Religion Research Initiative or MARRI, discusses the important role of fathers in families, especially in the relationship between fathers and sons. Family Policy Matters Transcript: Fathers Aren’t Disposable JOHN RUSTIN: Thank you for joining us for Family Policy Matters. This is the time of year that […]

PERSPECTIVE: Life Is Cherished

“A state and nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and LIFE IS CHERISHED!” Dear Friends, North Carolina is a great place to live. It’s a great place to raise a family. And, it’s a great place to run a business. The landscape is beautiful—from the mountains to the coast. The climate […]

AT ISSUE: Crouching At The Door

The image of New York State legislators and Governor Andrew Cuomo laughing and wildly applauding after signing a law that legalizes abortion up until birth is seared on my brain. I can’t get away from it. These representatives also erased from their state’s criminal statutes any penalty for violence against unborn children. As a consequence, […]

A Child-Centric Approach to Public Policy

Have you ever been accused of bigotry for your support of traditional marriage?  Yeah, me too.  In fact it was that very accusation in 2012, from both Facebook friends and the media at large that finally made this non-confrontational pastor’s wife… snap. That’s when it became clear to me that no matter how many gay […]

No Such Thing As Privacy When You’re Watching TV and Videos

Tim Winter talks about why the new Muppets is NOT for children and other unhealthy media

 Tim Winter talks about how the media industry targets children and teens, and how even what parents watch on TV and click online will influence what is produced in the future for themselves and their children. Family Policy Matters Transcript: No Such Thing As Privacy When You’re Watching TV and Videos TRACI GRIGGS: This is Family […]

13 Reasons Why Netflix Debut Linked to Dramatic Increase in Teen Suicides

When Netflix first released the series 13 Reasons Why in May of 2017, school systems and public health officials all over the country warned that it could cause an increase in teenage suicide. (See previous NC Family story here.) Apparently, that is exactly what happened. According to a study in the April 2019 Journal of […]

Watching out for unhealthy effects of TV and Movies

Tim Winter talks about why the new Muppets is NOT for children and other unhealthy media

 Tim Winter, President of the Parents Television Council, speaks about how the media industry targets children and teens, and how devastating this can be at times. In particular, he cites the destructive effect of 13 Reasons Why, which is being blamed for a frightening increase in teen suicides after Netflix released the first season of the […]

An Inside Perspective on NC’s Pro-Life Bills

 Senator Joyce Krawiec of the North Carolina General Assembly discusses SB 359 – Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, a bill that she sponsors and Governor Roy Cooper recently vetoed. Sen. Krawiec explains the necessity of this and other pro-life bills currently in the NC Legislature, and why North Carolinians should urge their legislators […]