Reversing the “Seamless Garment”

Pro-lifers are often accused of only caring about the abortion issue and not about issues that impact the lives of these babies and mothers after birth, like welfare programs or immigration. In the early 1980s, the idea of a consistent life ethic, or a “seamless garment” became popular as a way to unite Catholics around […]
A Super Tuesday in North Carolina

North Carolinians went out to vote last Tuesday in the 2020 primary election, dubbed “Super Tuesday” because so many states and delegates are up for grabs on that one day. While we know the results of this election, many do not know what these results mean, how they came to be, and just how much […]
2020 Greenville Dinner with Chief Kelvin Cochran

NC Family’s 2020 Annual Major Speakers Dinner in Greenville, NC on Monday, March 2, 2020 featured former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran. Chief Cochran spoke on the ways God prepared him to go through the sufferings he experienced when his religious liberties were violated, just as God prepares all of His sons and daughters for sufferings. […]
What Do Americans Think About Paid Family Leave?

The majority of developed countries around the world have some sort of government-financed paid family leave policy. Some countries more liberal than the United States—like Sweden—have 18 months of paid leave, while more conservative countries—like Australia—cover the first 12 months. Adopting a similar policy here in the United States has been a hot topic of […]
Preparing For a Post-Roe World

As more pro-life justices get appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court, talk of overturning Roe v. Wade and returning the decision about abortion to the states has significantly increased. In preparation for this federal action, many states have passed abortion legislation on both ends of the spectrum. Students for Life of America is the nation’s […]
A Pursuit Of Truth That Leads To Freedom

We see a wide variety of school choice options nowadays, from private, to homeschool, to public charter, to traditional public schools. Each of these options often brings with them a variety of teaching styles. One rising style is Classical Education, “the cultivation of wisdom and virtue by nourishing the soul on the true, the good, […]
Guidelines For Better Religious Liberty

Since 1993, every January 16 has been declared Religious Freedom Day by Presidential proclamation. During last month’s Religious Freedom Day, the Department of Education unveiled new federal guidelines for religious liberty. The creation and implementation of these guidelines was championed by Gateways to Better Education, a nonprofit that works to create faith-friendly public schools where […]
Hope After Abortion

Those of us who fight for the sanctity of life know that the most extreme pro-abortion rhetoric often includes “shouting” about one’s abortion, where women who have had abortions proudly and publicly proclaim this fact. Abortion advocates tend to ignore the truth that women who have had abortions often suffer deep wounds. These wounds can […]
The Truth About Chemical Abortions

This month marks the 47th year since abortion-on-demand was legalized nationally by Roe v. Wade. For decades, the main method of abortion was surgical, where a physician extracted the unborn baby from a woman’s body using surgical tools. Now, while abortions overall are decreasing, nearly 40 percent of all abortions are performed through the administration […]
Clearing The Air About The NC Hemp Industry

Those of you who have been following the 2019-2020 North Carolina legislative session have heard the controversy over the 2019 Farm Act, and specifically the issue over smokable hemp and whether it should be legal. Words like hemp and marijuana, and CBD and THC are constantly used during discussion of this hot button issue, and […]