A Congressman’s Take on COVID-19

In the ever-changing world of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us may be struggling to interpret and understand the facts about this virus and how it is impacting our state and nation. A rift has developed between the extremes on this issue, with some politicians and experts disagreeing on how to keep people safe while […]

The Silver Lining of Working from Home

Those of us who remain employed during this pandemic may be inding ourselves working from home more than we have ever before. Before COVID-19, working from home was a rare occurrence in most jobs, with many opponents arguing that there were too many distractions at home and that workers would be less productive. But a […]

Idaho’s Fight For Women

Fights for women’s rights in the face of the transgender movement are becoming more and more common in our nation. From athletic fields to domestic violence shelters, women’s opportunities are being taken away and their privacy invaded. While several states have passed laws granting biological males equal access to everything specified for females, some states […]

Virtual Protection Amidst Virtual Connection

As we all attempt to stay virtually connected to friends, family, and loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic, we find ourselves online far more than usual. Unfortunately, this spike in online activity means a spike in online predators seeking to cause harm to us or our children. The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCoSE) has […]

Discernment in the Age of Instant News

With the technological boom we have seen in just the past few years, we find ourselves in an age where a seemingly endless amount of information is at our fingertips. We are constantly bombarded by a twenty-four hour news cycle, and the desire to be the first to “break” a story or the provide the […]

Detangling the Porn Industry’s Dark Web

Extensive research into the public health harms of pornography use has found that it can be linked to child sexual abuse, violence against women, neurological problems in the brain, and much more. This is why over fifteen states have declared pornography a public health hazard. But many people may not be aware just how far […]

POV: Loving From a Distance During COVD-19

Last week, right in the middle of this Covid pandemic, my family was rocked by the unexpected news that my husband has a brain tumor. Consequently, he’s spent much of the last week in the hospital, and as I write this, he’s in the operating room. It’s all the normal stuff you’d expect, but with […]

Spiritual But Not Religious?

Many of us have heard someone say they are “spiritual, but not religious.” This has become a popular identification for people in today’s culture as traditional, structured religion is spurned in favor of individualism and “freedom.” But what do people actually mean when they say they’re spiritual but not religious? And how can the Church […]

Resources for Parents and Students Schooling at Home

The closure of K-12 schools, colleges, universities and many businesses across our state and nation to quell the spread of COVID-19 means that parents and students of all ages have been thrust, either willingly or unwillingly, into schooling at home for the foreseeable future. We at NC Family see this shift toward homeschooling as an […]

The Fight to Defeat the “Contraceptive Mandate”

Hobby Lobby and the Little Sisters of the Poor won U.S. Supreme Court cases in recent years after they challenged—on religious and moral grounds—the Affordable Care Act’s so-called “contraceptive mandate,” which required all employers to provide contraception and abortifacient drugs in their employee health plans. The Trump Administration recently sought to protect similar organizations and […]