Marijuana’s Disastrous Effects

The debate over the legalization of marijuana has been going on for years, and more and more states have recently elected to legalize it in some form, either recreational or medical. In fact, marijuana is now legal in 33 states for medical use, and 11 for recreational use. This prompted us at NC Family to […]

Pink or Blue? Guiding Parents Through the Transgender Issue

Editor’s Note: Portions of this article are reprinted with permission from “Responding to the Transgender Issue: Parent Resource Guide,” produced by the Minnesota Family Council. The excitement that accompanies a gender reveal party invitation is nearly universal. Siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends gather to celebrate the joy of new life and focus on one […]

Opting Out Is Not An Option (Part 2)

This radio show originally aired in July 2019 An emerging assumption in our culture is that the “other side” is evil, and it’s leading to a reluctance to engage in civil conversations with people who disagree with us politically. Dan Darling, vice president of Communications at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, says it’s an […]

AT ISSUE: A Brave New World?

On June 15, 2020 and in the following days, I noticed many of my Millennial peers posting on Instagram and Twitter, celebrating the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County Georgia as a victory for freedom and liberty and an end to “discrimination.” In one swift act of legislating from the bench, our […]

An Inside Look at Adoption: Q&A With Adoptive Parents

Tony and Lesley Biller live in Raleigh, NC, and are parents to four biological children and six adopted children, all between the ages of 10 and 20. Q: How did you know God was calling you to adopt? Was there a point in your lives when it suddenly hit you that this was the right […]

2020 Summit on Protecting Children in Education

Several pro-family organizations are joining together to hold an event aimed at protecting children from the increasingly graphic sexual education being presented in public schools across the nation. Next Wednesday, August 12, The Heritage Foundation—along with Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), Family Research Council, Family Policy Alliance, and more—will be hosting the 2020 Protecting Children in […]

Protecting Children Through the EARN IT Act

The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee recently unanimously approved a bill called the EARN IT Act, which seeks to address the widespread availability of child sexual abuse material on digital platforms, and the use of those platforms to entire, groom, traffic, and abuse children. Our friends at the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCoSE) have worked […]

School Choice Opponents Sue to Overturn Opportunity Scholarship

Seven North Carolina parents, in conjunction with the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) and the National Education Association (NEA), are suing in an attempt to abolish the state’s Opportunity Scholarship Program. On Monday, the parents filed a lawsuit in Wake County Superior Court challenging the constitutionality of the voucher program that is used by thousands […]

POV: COVID-19 Saving Marriages?

Earlier this month, the New York Post published a story with the encouraging headline “Divorce filings drop as COVID-19 lockdown mends marriages.” The story went on to report some rather dramatic numbers: From May 25, when new lawsuits and divorces were allowed to be filed electronically for the first time in weeks in New York City, Long Island, Westchester and other […]

Surviving Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is an issue that has received more and more attention in recent years, as the truths about this modern form of slavery have come to light. But many of us may still believe that we are far removed from this horrible industry, and that it could never touch us or our families. But […]