America’s Aging Population and the Pro-Life Movement (with Patrick T. Brown)

Patrick Brown Headshot

America is the oldest it has ever been, thanks to declining birth rates and increased life spans. This has many implications for the future, not the least of which include concerns about protecting the dignity of human life from birth to natural death. This week on Family Policy Matters, host Traci DeVette Griggs welcomes Patrick […]

Congress Passes The Maternal and Child Health Stillborn Prevention Act

Husband hugging wife with their hands on her pregnant belly

It is an exciting time for pregnant women and their unborn babies!  After two years of hard work by numerous organizations and individuals, on July 12, 2024, The Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act was signed into federal law. NC Family wrote about this legislation after it was originally introduced in March of 2022 primarily […]

2024 Olympics Includes a Nursery for Parent Athletes

Olympic Rings

This week is the beginning of the 2024 Olympics, and this year, they are welcoming a new group of people to the Olympic Village: children. All-star sprinter Allyson Felix, the most decorated track-and-field athlete in history, has teamed up with Pampers to make this possible. This nursery will allow parent athletes to spend time with […]

How to Fix Our Falling Fertility Rate (with Lyman Stone)

Lyman Stone Headshot

Fertility rates across the world are falling, and even media outlets like The New York Times are starting to express concern. The impacts of a shrinking population are immense, and will be felt for years to come unless steps are taken to reverse the trend. This week on Family Policy Matters, host Traci DeVette Griggs […]

The Dark History Behind Planned Parenthood

Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022, the issue of abortion has been at the center of social, political, and medical conversations with perhaps more vigor than ever before. Over many decades, the increased availability of birth control pills, abortion, and abortifacient drugs has eased the process of preventing the births of millions […]

Being Fathers of Hope & Strength

Father walking through field with three children

This Father’s Day, fathers are as important as they have ever been. As much as ever, fathers must be prepared to give a reason for the hope that we have (1 Pet 3:15). Our families and our communities cannot be strengthened by lukewarm fathers any more than Christ accepts a lukewarm faith (Rev 3:16). So […]

NC’s Falling Birth Rate and the Potential Future Implications

Falling bar chart with doodles of baby items

Over the last several years, North Carolina’s population has surged. In 2023, North Carolina added more people than any other state except for Texas and Florida. While our population has grown, though, our birth rate has not. In fact, between 2007 and 2022, the number of births per 1,000 residents fell from 14.4 births to […]

Why Christians Must Protect Children: Part 2 (With Katy Faust)

Katy Faust Headshot

Children get hurt every time a society moves away from Biblical morality. We’ve seen this with abortion, the transgender movement, and even the expansion of gambling. That is why it is critical for Christians to care for children who are being harmed by society and take steps to prevent further harm. This week on Family […]

3 Ways to Respond to “Pride Month” as a Christian

Rainbow sign with "love is love" quote

“Pride Month” has arrived, and with it, American society is being inundated with rainbow flags, flamboyant celebrations, and specific agendas associated with it. Stores are full of items celebrating LGBTQ culture, libraries have displays featuring LGBTQ books, and even the video game Call of Duty is jumping on board with, “Weapon Camo variants, each representing […]