On the Horizon at the NC General Assembly
The 2021-2022 legislative session of the North Carolina General Assembly began January 13, 2021. The state House and Senate welcomed several new members, and while the Republicans retained control of both chambers, the majority margins have slightly changed. Democrats picked up one seat in the state Senate, reducing the GOP majority to 28-22; and Republicans […]
PERSPECTIVE: Celebrating 30 Years of Service to North Carolina Families!
2021 marks the 30th Anniversary of the founding of the North Carolina Family Policy Council, and we couldn’t be more excited or encouraged as we reflect on this major milestone in the history of this organization, and look toward the future. The first thing that needs to be said is a big “THANK YOU!” to […]
Bills of Interest During First Week of the 2021 Legislative Session

In addition to bills dealing with COVID relief funding and getting students back into the classroom, North Carolina lawmakers have filed a number of bills of interest during the first full week of the 2021 Legislative Session. Here is a snapshot of several of those bills: Senate Bill 35 and House Bill 41 — Amend […]
Biden Follows Through with “SOGI” Executive Order

Among a myriad of Executive Orders, Proclamations, and other directives issued by President Joe Biden during his first two days in office is an order establishing civil rights-level legal protections on the basis of “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” (SOGI). The Executive Order, which was not unexpected (see NC Family’s article from last week), directs […]
Fathering For A Lifetime

How can fathers be most effective in raising their children? Dr. Ken Canfield founded the National Center for Fathering and the National Association for Grandparenting to help fathers answer this question. Dr. Canfield’s book 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers has been taught to tens of thousands a fathers nationwide, and he joins Traci DeVette Griggs on this […]
Biden-Harris to Immediately Impose Radical LGBTQ+ Agenda

Although it is widely known that President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris intend to impose a radical LGBTQ+ agenda on the nation, few understand how shockingly extensive this agenda really is. A review of The Biden Plan to Advance LGBTQ+ Equality in America and Around the World demonstrates just how far it goes. […]
POV: Protecting Teens’ Mental Health in COVID and Beyond

Over the last nine months, as all of us have adjusted to the changes and restrictions of a COVID world, I’ve heard parents talk a lot about the effects on their children. As adults, we all know it’s affecting us, and we see how kids’ lives have been disrupted. Many students have lost the routine […]
A Pandemic’s Homeschooling Surge

It’s no surprise the surge in virtual schooling from home our nation saw during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. But as a new—and very different—school year began in August and September, there was a boom in families withdrawing from traditional schools and starting homeschooling. In fact, Michael Donnelly from the Homeschool Legal Defense Association […]
NC Family Signs Letter Exposing “Sex Text-Line”

The North Carolina Family Policy Council—along with seven other family policy councils from around the country—has signed on to a letter to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services that highlights alleged violations of Title V as it relates to child health services and abstinence education programs. The open letter, authored by The Family […]
Voters In Multiple States Decide About Life, Drugs, Gambling & Marriage

The selection of candidates for local, state, and federal offices were not the only choices confronting voters on Election Day in a number of states across the nation. In fact, voters in 32 states decided over 100 statewide ballot measures on November 3. Below is an overview of some of these voter initiatives and referenda […]