Fighting the Sexualization of Children

** This show originally aired in June 2020 ** Instruction in middle and high school on human anatomy, development, and sexuality has been occurring for decades, but in recent years, this instruction has taken a more explicit and dangerous turn. Schools are being pushed by far-left groups like Planned Parenthood and Southern Poverty Law Center […]
U.S. Supreme Court Unanimous in Support for Faith-Based Foster Care Agency

In a unanimous 9-0 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court found that the City of Philadelphia discriminated against Catholic Social Services because of the foster care agency’s religious views. This is undoubtedly a victory for religious freedom, but especially for the children of Philadelphia who are in need of forever homes. The case of Fulton v. City […]
Which Streaming Service is Right for Your Family?

Streaming services like Netflix and Hulu have been around for a while now, but in the past couple of years, the streaming market has become saturated, with seemingly every major media outlet producing its own streaming service. From Disney+ to Paramount+ to Peacock to Apple TV, the options for families to choose from are abundant. […]
VIDEO: Crossover Day at the NCGA
Crossover Day is Here! The North Carolina General Assembly just passed its “crossover deadline,” which is the date by which bills must pass from one chamber of the legislature to the other in order to be considered during the remainder of this legislative biennium. Hundreds of bills were introduced in the last two weeks, and many of those […]
Sticking to the FACTS with Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson

Last month, NC Family shared about North Carolina’s new Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson’s initiative to combat bias, indoctrination, and discrimination in our state’s education system. The Lieutenant Governor’s F.A.C.T.S. Task Force—which stands for Fairness and Accountability in the Classroom for Teachers and Students—works to support parents, teachers, and students who are “willing to stand up for […]
The Theology of Home

Here at NC Family, we are dedicated to preserving and protecting the family, which we know is one of the most foundational building blocks of any society. Public policy and the family are directly linked, and it is no secret that the family has been under attack in public policy and public sentiment for decades. […]
House Committee Rejects Bill That Would Effectively Legalize Adultery in NC

The N.C. House Judiciary 2 Committee rejected a bill yesterday that, in effect, would have legalized adultery in North Carolina by abolishing the civil action of “Criminal Conversation.” This law allows an aggrieved spouse to sue a third party for engaging in sexual intercourse with their husband or wife. The bill failed on a 4-to-4 […]
The COVID-19 Divorce Paradox

As the COVID-19 pandemic began a little over a year ago, and married couples were forced to spend far more time at home together, many experts predicted a surge in divorces. The data, in fact, shows the exact opposite: the national divorce rate is down. To discuss this surprising trend, we welcome Dr. Brad Wilcox, […]
SCOTUS Upholds First Amendment Rights

When a person’s First Amendment freedoms are suppressed or taken away, they have been deprived of their most core, fundamental American rights. While monetary harm may not exist, the person has certainly suffered harm. Thanks to a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Americans can now hold officials accountable when their rights are violated, even if […]
Lt. Governor Announces Task Force to Protect Students from Indoctrination

North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson recently announced the creation of a new task force aimed at protecting students in our state from being taught materials that are inappropriate or politically biased. The Fairness and Accountability in the Classroom for Teachers and Students (F.A.C.T.S) task force will be made up of 12 members, including teachers, […]