Greater Threats on the Horizon (Part 1)

Former Director of the Office for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Roger Severino spoke at NC Family’s Charlotte and Winston-Salem Dinners this fall. Severino currently serves as senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and he spoke at both dinners about his work at HHS in the […]

Breaking Down Congress’s Budget-Busting Bills

As Governor Roy Cooper signs the state budget into law this week, two federal spending bills have been making their way through Congress, and they contain some troubling policy implications for North Carolina families. One of these spending bills is entitled the “Build Back Better Bill,” and at 2,100 pages long, it can seem nearly […]

Happy National Adoption Awareness Month!

Did you know that November is National Adoption Awareness Month? In honor of this special month, we wanted to share a few inspiring and helpful resources with you about adoption… 1. “An Inside Look at Adoption: Q&A with Adoptive Parents” — Spotlight Article from the Summer 2020 Edition of Family North Carolina Magazine. Adoptive parents Tony […]

Fighting Indoctrination in Public Schools

As many parents have gotten an up-close look at their children’s school curriculum thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, they have been shocked to see some of what schools are attempting to teach their children. Parents in Virginia, in particular, have been vocal in their opposition to various progressive, divisive, and (in some cases) explicit teachings […]

POV: COVID, Marriage, and Mental Health

I remember the day, a couple of months into COVID, when a close friend walked into my living room and said, with despair in her voice, “I don’t think I’m ever going to be hugged again.” Up until that point, we’d had a few folks over but had been maintaining some distance, trying to be […]

Awake, Not Woke (Part 2)

While the “woke” movement claims to be putting an end to discrimination and oppression, the truth is actually the opposite. The woke agenda often directly harms those vulnerable groups it claims to be protecting, such as women and ethnic minorities, and it oppresses anyone who dares to disagree with its ideology So argues Noelle Mering, […]

Virginia: A Resounding Victory for Parents and Children Beyond the Commonwealth!

Last night’s election results in Virginia have sent a shockwave across our nation and a resounding message that parents, children, and conservative pro-family values still matter! In the wake of bitter battles over Critical Race Theory and policies that promote “sexual orientation” and “gender Identity” (SOGI) by allowing boys in girls’ bathrooms, and books and […]

Awake, Not Woke (Part 1)

The phrase “being woke” has become synonymous with radical progressive ideologies including transgender activism, Critical Race Theory, and often neo-Marxist policies. Those not viewed as woke often become targets of the so-called “cancel culture,” wherein unfavorable views are rejected, marginalized, and silenced. The enemy of the woke is the faith and the family, according to […]

How to Pass Down Your Faith to Your Children

Any Christian parent has likely experienced some amount of anxiety or worry about passing down their faith to their children. This difficult task is made even more so amidst a culture that grows seemingly more hostile towards people of faith every day, and targets our children through social media and education. After interviewing over 200 […]

POV: A Personal and Problematic Student Survey (Warning—Adult Content)

In August, schools across North Carolina began administering the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. The YRBS is a survey, created by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1990, that’s administered every other year to students in middle and high school throughout the country. According to the CDC, the aim of the survey […]