Join NC Family at the Homeschool Thrive! Conference

Please plan to join NC Family, along with numerous school choice advocates and homeschool organizations, in attending a special homeschool conference starting this Thursday, May 26. The annual Thrive! Conference is hosted by North Carolinians for Home Education, and welcomes thousands of homeschooling parents, advocates, and students for three days of workshops, seminars, and keynote […]
Family North Carolina Spring/Summer 2022 Magazine is Here!

NC Family is excited to announce the arrival of the Spring/Summer 2022 edition of our flagship publication, Family North Carolina magazine. In a world steeped in unknowns and uncertainty, Family North Carolina seeks to provide a voice of reason, insight, and inspiration. The Spring/Summer 2022 edition should have already arrived in your mailboxes, and if not, it will be there […]
2022 Raleigh Dinner with Dr. Ryan T. Anderson

NC Family’s 2022 Dinner in Raleigh, NC on May 10, 2022 featured renowned author and president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center Dr. Ryan T. Anderson. Watch Dr. Anderson’s full address in Raleigh by clicking the video below. Dr. Anderson discusses four main points: We are created in the image of […]
Mama Bear 101: How to Protect Your Kids

Parents are becoming increasingly aware of the myriad of overt and subtle ways individuals and organizations today attempt to sever the parent-child connection. From the library to the pediatrician’s office, the soccer team to the classroom, the odds seem to be stacked against parents who wish to be present, informed, involved, and in control of […]
AT ISSUE: A Life or Death Game of Chance
When I was about 4 months gestation inside my mother, my parents got an Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) test. This test lets parents know if the baby has a chance of being born with certain genetic disorders, such as spina bifida and Down Syndrome. When my mother got the phone call from her doctor with the results, […]
Faith & Values Summit in Charlotte, May 24

Please plan to join NC Family along with other pro-life and pro-family organizations and individuals for a North Carolina Faith & Values Summit featuring former Vice President Mike Pence. This exciting event, hosted by NCGOP, will take place on Tuesday, May 24 at Freedom House Church in Charlotte (2638 Salome Church Road). Doors open at […]
The Constitutional Right to Parent

What exactly does the law say about parental rights, and how far do they extend? These are important questions to answer, as more and more parents are finding themselves faced with violations of their fundamental rights to parent their children. The North Carolina Institute for Constitutional Law (NCICL) recently released a resource for parents to […]
2022 Greenville Dinner with The Benham Brothers

NC Family’s 2022 Dinner in Greenville, NC on March 7, 2022 featured former professional baseball players, best-selling authors, and nationally acclaimed entrepreneurs David and Jason Benham—The Benham Brothers. David and Jason shared their testimony of facing the “cancel culture” and standing for their faith in Christ. The Benham Brothers: Twin brothers David and Jason […]
Resource: The Constitutional Right to Parent

The highest courts in our state and nation have long recognized the constitutionally protected right of parents to raise their children. Despite this understanding within our system of laws, parents have increasingly had to fight against school boards, state and local governments, and other entities to preserve and protect their fundamental right to parent, especially […]
Addicted to Screens

It’s no surprise that we saw a sharp increase in screen time consumption across all ages over the past two years. Working from home for most adults and virtual learning for most children meant an increase in screen time was a necessity. But as most children have gone back to school, their average screen time […]