Disciple Your Children in an Age-Appropriate Way (with Andrew Walker)

Andrew Walker Headshot

As we’ve seen in the last decade, if we don’t intentionally disciple our children, the culture will. This has been especially true for issues such as abortion and the transgender agenda. These are heavy topics, though, and it can be hard to know how to talk about them with children in an age-appropriate manner. This […]

How to Handle Our Aging Population (with Dr. Hunter Baker)

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Across the world the birth rate is falling, resulting in an aging population. This presents a host of problems and concerns, especially regarding how it affects caring for older generations. In the United States, legal immigration can temporarily help to build out the population, but it is not a permanent solution. So what can be done […]

AT ISSUE: Guard Your Hearts

“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” ~ Proverbs 4:23 When I was growing up, there was a tv show that all my friends were watching. Some of the characters had attitudes and were disrespectful to others on the show; the overall morals the show promoted were fuzzy […]

Children are under attack. Christians must protect them.

There’s a group of people who are under assault in this country and have been for decades – but have not been properly recognized as such. It’s not women. It’s not minorities. It’s not immigrants. It’s not Christians. It’s children. Every facet of child rights and well-being is being threatened. Those threats can be seen […]

When a Baseball Field Becomes a Mission Field (with Billie Jauss)

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Life is busy, and it can be hard to make time even for the things that matter. Investing in relationships, our marriages, our kids, or ministry can often fall by the wayside as we go about the demands of life. However – even in the busiest times – it is important to pause, re-center our […]

A Restorative Approach to Infertility (with Stephanie Gray Connors)

As news outlets are broadcasting the dangers of America’s falling fertility rate, couples are having a harder time having children. Many are turning to IVF for help, but this is not the perfect solution that some profess. It is very costly, it isn’t always effective, and many people (such as Katy Faust) are highlighting some […]

Helping Churches Help Families in NC (with J.P. De Gance)

J.P. De Gance Headshot

In our current age, many people underestimate the value of marriage. However, a closer look at our most predominant social problems reveals that strengthening marriages could significantly improve our country as a whole. This week on Family Policy Matters, host Traci DeVette Griggs welcomes J.P. De Gance, founder and president of Communio, to discuss a […]

What You Need to Know As Kids Go Back to School

Welcome to this week’s episode of NC Family’s Weekly Update, where we share the highlights of the past week at the N.C. General Assembly and beyond. In this episode, we cover: Information about parental rights in North Carolina; Information about changes to Title IX that went into effect this month; and Resources to help equip […]

NC State Law Allows Minors to Consent to Significant Medical Health Services

Did you know that there is a decades old state statute in North Carolina that allows children to consent to some serious medical treatments without their parent’s knowledge? Currently, minors in NC can seek and consent “for medical health services for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of (i) venereal disease and other diseases reportable under […]