NC Senate Passes “Parents’ Bill of Rights”

The N.C. Senate passed an amended version of HB 755, entitled Parents’ Bill of Rights. As NC Family shared last week, this bill would affirm, strengthen, and protect the rights of parents in North Carolina to take an active role in their child’s education and health care, while also shielding students from instruction that is […]

2022 Raleigh Dinner with Dr. Ryan T. Anderson

NC Family’s 2022 Dinner in Raleigh, NC on May 10, 2022 featured renowned author and president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center Dr. Ryan T. Anderson. Watch Dr. Anderson’s full address in Raleigh by clicking the video below.       Dr. Anderson discusses four main points: We are created in the image of […]

2022 Greenville Dinner with The Benham Brothers

NC Family’s 2022 Dinner in Greenville, NC on March 7, 2022 featured former professional baseball players, best-selling authors, and nationally acclaimed entrepreneurs David and Jason Benham—The Benham Brothers. David and Jason shared their testimony of facing the “cancel culture” and standing for their faith in Christ.   The Benham Brothers: Twin brothers David and Jason […]

UPDATE: Wake County and City of Raleigh Approve SOGI Ordinances

The Wake County Board of Commissioners and Raleigh City Council voted this week to adopt local non-discrimination ordinances that would ban discrimination based on—among other categories—“sexual orientation” and “gender identity or expression” (SOGI). As NC Family shared last week, the ordinances prohibit “discrimination” in public accommodations and employment in Wake County and the City of Raleigh, and in businesses […]

Wake County and City of Raleigh to Vote on SOGI Ordinances

The Wake County Board of Commissioners agreed on Monday to vote on the adoption of a local non-discrimination ordinance next week that would ban discrimination based on—among other categories—“sexual orientation” and “gender identity or expression” (SOGI). The Raleigh City Council will also vote next week on whether to adopt a practically identical ordinance for the city. If adopted, the ordinances would prohibit “discrimination” in public accommodations […]

Charlotte Passes SOGI Ordinance

The Charlotte City Council voted unanimously last night in favor of adopting an ordinance that would ban discrimination based on—among other categories—“sex (including sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression).” The ordinance directly addresses “discrimination” within employment, public accommodations, and businesses that contract with the City of Charlotte. As of January 1, 2022, employers in Charlotte will […]

HHS Redefines “Sex” to Include “Sexual Orientation” & “Gender Identity”

The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clayton County Georgia last year redefined the word “sex” in federal employment law, saying that discrimination on the basis of sex now includes “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” (SOGI) as protected classes. This ruling elevated SOGI to the same level as race, color, religion, sex, and national origin in […]

“Save Women’s Sports Act” Gets Hearing in NC House Committee

North Carolina’s Save Women’s Sports Act came before the NC House Judiciary 1 Committee today for discussion, but no votes were taken on the bill. House Bill 358 would protect the rights of women and girls in sports by preventing biological males who identify as female from participating on female sports teams. The bill does […]

SCOTUS Upholds First Amendment Rights

Tyson Langhofer discusses freedom of speech

When a person’s First Amendment freedoms are suppressed or taken away, they have been deprived of their most core, fundamental American rights. While monetary harm may not exist, the person has certainly suffered harm. Thanks to a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Americans can now hold officials accountable when their rights are violated, even if […]

The Real Victims of Transgender Ideology (Part 2)

Many of us have potentially become numb to the issue of the so-called “Equality Act” that has been the subject of so much controversy and debate over the past several months.  As we await the U.S. Senate’s vote on this dangerous legislation, it is important to remember the ramifications of this bill should it pass. […]