Life, Liberty, & the Supreme Court (Part 1)

The U.S. Supreme Court has handed down a number of critical rulings in the past several months that will impact religious liberty, sanctity of life, and human sexuality. To unpack these important rulings—both legally and culturally—NC Family welcomed three experts to our Virtual Event on Life, Liberty, and the Supreme Court, the third event in […]

Taking A Stand For Life

Several hundred people gathered outside the North Carolina General Assembly in downtown Raleigh last night to Take a Stand For Life. NC Family partnered with eight other organizations to co-sponsor this rally and prayer vigil. Over a dozen speakers addressed an energetic crowd over the course of the roughly two-hour rally, including Lieutenant Governor Dan […]

Snow Doesn’t Stop Greenville From Honoring Barronelle Stutzman!

A rare late-season snowfall threatened to put a freeze on NC Family’s Greenville Dinner Monday evening, but that didn’t frighten our guests or deter them from showing up to hear the story of Barronelle Stutzman. Those who attended were treated to a personal glimpse into the life of this 72-year-old florist from Washington State who […]

Snow Doesn’t Stop Greenville From Honoring Barronelle Stutzman!

A rare late-season snowfall threatened to put a freeze on NC Family’s Greenville Dinner Monday evening, but that didn’t frighten our guests or deter them from showing up to hear the story of Barronelle Stutzman. Those who attended were treated to a personal glimpse into the life of this 72-year-old florist from Washington State who […]

Values Bus Tour Coming to a Town Near You!

Exciting news! Today marks the beginning of the Values Bus Tour, an effort by FRC Action and Concerned Women for America to help mobilize voters across the state to show up on November 8th and vote their values.  The bus will visit all 100 counties in North Carolina and will feature influential leaders and speakers […]

Great Resource On The Way For NC Voters!

Traci Griggs, NC Family Director of Communications interviews NC Family President John L. Rustin about the vital importance of this year’s election, the NC Family voter guide, and what listeners can do to help. “Family Policy Matters” Transcript: Great Resource On The Way For NC Voters! INTRODUCTION: Thanks for joining us this week for Family Policy […]

See You at the Pole!

For the last 25 years, students around the world have gathered at their flagpoles before school on a particular morning for one simple reason—to pray for each other. On September 28, at 7:00 a.m. local time all around the globe, students will gather at their school flagpoles to pray for their school, friends, families, churches, […]

Franklin Graham’s “Decision America” Prayer Rally One Month Away

Mark your calendars and make plans to join Franklin Graham for prayer in Raleigh at the State Capitol on October 13! Just one month from today, Franklin Graham’s 2016 “Decision America Tour” will be in Raleigh for its final stop after visiting all 50 state capitals since January. Graham is using the prayer rally as an […]

Mark Your Calendars for the Decision America Prayer Rally

Dear Friends, I’m very excited about a national tour making its way across the country and culminating in our state in October. Last night I attended a very exciting event that I want to share with you! It was a gathering of pastors and other faith leaders from across North Carolina as we met representatives […]

National March for Marriage This Saturday!

Marriage supporters from across the United States are gathering in Washington, D.C. this Saturday, June 25 for the Fourth Annual March for Marriage. This year’s event will be the first such event since the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark ruling last summer that imposed the redefinition of marriage upon every state in the nation, invalidating the 31 […]