2023 Legislative Session Summary

The 2023 Legislative Session of the N.C. General Assembly proved to be an incredibly busy, intense, and drama-filled session with quite a number of “highs” and “lows.” State lawmakers returned to Raleigh on January 11, 2023, to jump-start the session by swearing in members and electing officers. Senator Phil Berger (R-Rockingham) was elected to a […]

“Success Sequence” Reinforces Benefits of Traditional Principles

I’m a Zillennial. This isn’t an official generation, but I fall right on the cusp of Millennials and Gen Z, and social media has created this term for people around my age who don’t identify with just one generation. For example, I clearly remember VHS tapes, but most 90s pop references are lost on me. […]

Your Kids Are Back at School, Now What?

Students sitting at desks in a classroom at school

If you are a parent, you likely dedicated a substantial amount of time in August getting your children ready for the first day of the new school year, including back-to-school shopping and figuring out the bus schedule—if your student rides the bus. But now that kids are back in school, what’s next? NC Family recently […]

VIDEO | The Highs and Lows of the 2023 Legislative Session

Welcome to this week’s episode of NC Family’s Weekly Update, where we share the highlights of the past week at the N.C. General Assembly and beyond. In this episode, we cover some of the highs and lows from the 2023 Legislative Session, including: Increase abortion restrictions and pro-life measures; School choice expansions; Codified parental rights; […]

Parental Rights and Public Schools in North Carolina (School Choice in NC Part 5)

Public schools have been receiving a lot of national attention over the last few years, regarding things like controversial books in the libraries, the curriculum being taught, gender issues, and the extent of parents’ rights. This summer, the North Carolina Legislature passed the Parents’ Bill of Rights, which helps to clarify some of these matters. […]

Charter School Offers Classical Education in Rural North Carolina

One facet of North Carolina’s school choice movement is public charter schools. These schools are a unique option because they are public schools operated by an independent board of directors. Charters offer greater flexibility and some of the benefits of private schools, but because they are publicly funded, they don’t have the tuition costs associated […]

The Best of Both Academic Worlds: A Mom’s Take on University-Model Schools

North Carolina is one of the leading states in the school choice movement, offering a variety of traditional public, public charter, private, and home schools. One of the more unique options that we have as a part of this is what is known as University-Model Schools. These schools are hybrid, giving children both the benefits […]

The Value of Having (School) Choices

Over the last decade, we have seen some major shifts in the public school system. Curriculum has been redesigned to accommodate Common Core standards, replacing tried and true teaching techniques, and students are being taught about LGBTQ+ ideology instead of learning about the founding documents of our country. Many parents are starting to consider alternative […]