Exploring School Choice Options In North Carolina

Brian Jodice, Executive Vice President for Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina (PEFNC), a statewide organization that seeks and supports greater educational opportunities for parents and students, discusses school choice opportunities in North Carolina. Family Policy Matters Transcript: Exploring School Choice Options In North Carolina Thanks for joining us this week for Family Policy […]
Indiana Law Strengthens Sex Education Parental Permission Requirements

Indiana parents will now receive two written opportunities to either consent or decline before their children receive sex education instruction in school districts, now that a new Indiana law was enacted July 1. Under the new law, school districts must send a notice to parents of upcoming sex education instruction requesting consent, and the notice […]
The Dating Deficit And The Decline of Courtship Culture

Catherine Fowler Sample, writer and producer of the award-winning film “The Dating Project.” The film is a new documentary that follows five modern-day singles, age 20 to 40, in their quest to find authentic love and meaningful relationships. They discuss how the dating scene has changed in America over the last one or two generations. […]
NC Family Thanks Outgoing & Welcomes Incoming Board Chairman

The North Carolina Family Policy Council Board of Directors said a very fond farewell last week to departing Board Chairman Henry Williamson (right) for his many years of faithful service and leadership. At its quarterly board meeting on Thursday, the Board also welcomed Alan Cole (left) as the Council’s newest Chairman with unanimous consent. Williamson […]
Serving Christ Through Compassionate And Accessible Healthcare

Susanne Berger, the Board Chair of Neighbor Health Center, a new faith-based health center that seeks to serve Christ by providing primary care to patients of all ages regardless of whether they have health insurance discusses her personal story of faith and vocation, as well as the mission and story of Neighbor Health Center. Family […]
Seeking Authentic Lifelong Friendship In An Increasingly Impersonal World

Father Sean Raftis, a parish priest in Montana who has become well-known in recent years as one of the Gonzaga Prep “Tag Brothers” whose story has been featured by the Wall Street Journal, ESPN, CBS and is now the inspiration for the summer blockbuster movie “Tag,” discusses his intriguing story and the importance of deep […]
Religious Liberty Has Its Roots In The Bible

Andrew Walker, Director of Policy Studies at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention, discusses a new small group study on religious liberty produced by the ERLC. Family Policy Matters Transcript: Religious Liberty Has Its Roots In The Bible JOHN RUSTIN: Thanks for joining us this week for Family Policy Matters. […]
NC General Assembly Short Session Adjourns

NC Legislators have put the 2018 Short Session to bed, until November 27, 2018 when both chambers are scheduled to reconvene. Both the House and Senate adjourned today, but not before overriding eight of Governor Cooper’s vetoes and approving six proposed amendmentsto the North Carolina Constitution. These proposed amendments will appear on the ballot in […]
Grassroots Efforts On Sex Education Have Statewide Impact

Janet Oehl, an activist with Onslow Protect Our Students, discusses the fight against comprehensive sex education that was being pushed in her local school system, and how the success of a small grassroots movement has developed into a statewide organization dedicated to a similar mission. Family Policy Matters Transcript: Grassroots Efforts On Sex Education Have […]
POV: Hybrid Homeschools On The Rise in NC

Something significant happened during the 2013-14 school year. For the first time, there were more children in homeschools in North Carolina than there were in private schools. Homeschooling continues to grow in popularity, and quickly. In 2016-17, there were almost 128,000 students in homeschools in North Carolina, which was an 8 percent increase over the […]