No Such Thing As Privacy When You’re Watching TV and Videos

Tim Winter talks about why the new Muppets is NOT for children and other unhealthy media

 Tim Winter talks about how the media industry targets children and teens, and how even what parents watch on TV and click online will influence what is produced in the future for themselves and their children. Family Policy Matters Transcript: No Such Thing As Privacy When You’re Watching TV and Videos TRACI GRIGGS: This is Family […]

Watching out for unhealthy effects of TV and Movies

Tim Winter talks about why the new Muppets is NOT for children and other unhealthy media

 Tim Winter, President of the Parents Television Council, speaks about how the media industry targets children and teens, and how devastating this can be at times. In particular, he cites the destructive effect of 13 Reasons Why, which is being blamed for a frightening increase in teen suicides after Netflix released the first season of the […]

An Inside Perspective on NC’s Pro-Life Bills

 Senator Joyce Krawiec of the North Carolina General Assembly discusses SB 359 – Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, a bill that she sponsors and Governor Roy Cooper recently vetoed. Sen. Krawiec explains the necessity of this and other pro-life bills currently in the NC Legislature, and why North Carolinians should urge their legislators […]

The Impact of Technology on Family Relationships

Dr. Kathy Koch, Founder and President of Celebrate Kids, Inc. discusses the impact technology is having on family relationships, particularly among young people, and what parents can do to help ensure that their children develop an appropriate relationship with technology. This show originally aired in January of 2018 and was one of our most popular […]

LGBT Activists Seek A Myriad Of Changes To NC Law

Several “LGBT rights” bills were introduced in the NC General Assembly this week, as LGBT activists are attempting to change state law on three main fronts. The following is a brief summary of each of these measures: Equality For All (HB 514 / SB 455) These bills propose to establish “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” […]

Breaking Down and Building Up: Healing From Abuse

Crystalina Evert, founder of Women Made New Ministries and co-founder of Chastity Project. Pulling from her own personal experience, Evert speaks on the trauma of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, and how abuses in a woman’s past affects her present views, relationships, and feelings. Evert also walks through the step-by-step healing process she finds most […]

Parenting for an Immortalized Future

Barrett Johnson, co-founder of I.N.F.O. For Families, which stands for Imperfect and Normal Families Only. Johnson addresses the trend we have seen in recent years of public figures having their pasts come back to haunt them, and how parents can protect, teach, and prepare their children to make wise choices in an era where nearly […]

Celebrating National School Choice Week in North Carolina

This week, our nation will celebrate National School Choice Week (NSCW). During this time, thousands of events planned by schools, groups, and individuals will raise awareness of the different K-12 education options available in our country. This week will mark the eighth NSCW, and over the past seven years, more than 58,000 events have been […]

Retaking Religious Liberties

Greg Baylor, senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom and the Director of ADF’s Center for Religious Schools. Baylor unpacks how religious and moral objections to the Obamacare contraceptive mandate have played out judicially under the aid of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and if the Trump administration has done enough to provide protections for these […]

The God-Shaped Brain and the Aging Brain

Dr. Timothy Jennings, a board-certified psychiatrist, author, Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatrist Association, and President of Come and Reason Ministries. Dr. Jennings explains how our physical bodies are very much connected to our spiritual souls, and how engaging and experiencing God, truth, and love can result in better health and better life, especially as […]