Healthy Marriage Habits

Most of us can agree that marriage is good, but just because it is good does not mean it is easy. Some of the hardest conflicts we will ever encounter come through our marriages. Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons has spent 40 years counseling and writing about psychological conflicts, especially in marriage. Dr. Fitzgibbons sits down with […]

Getting Work Right

In an American culture focused so heavily on achievement and getting things done, most of us understand the value of hard work, and would feel complimented if someone told us we were a hard worker. But equally as important is the practice of leisure, or the contemplative life. Dr. Michael Naughton has a new book […]

The Blessings of Sufferings (Part 2)

Kelvin Cochran grew up in a shotgun house in Shreveport, Louisiana. Raised by a single mother, his family of seven all shared one room and was on welfare and food stamps. One day, Kelvin Cochran saw a Shreveport fire truck pull up in front of his house to put out a fire across the street, […]

The Blessings of Sufferings (Part 1)

After an illustrious thirty-four year career in fire service, Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran was terminated from his position, after it was discovered that he had written—on his own time—a book for a men’s Bible study in which he affirmed Biblical marriage and Biblical sexuality. Chief Cochran sued the city of Atlanta for violating his […]

The Primal Scream For Identity

After the sexual revolution, our culture has found it harder to construct our identity, as people don’t feel firmly rooted in the more traditional communities of family and religion. The secularization of our culture made identity as a child of God harder, and changing family patterns made identity as a mother, father, sister, or brother, […]

Truth Through Faith and Reason

One of the unique features of Western Civilization is the integration of faith and reason, and how both are about the search for truth. Faith and reason compliment each other; faith prevents hyper-rationalism, and reason prevents complete blind obedience to a faith. So argues Dr. Samuel Gregg in his book Reason, Faith, and the Struggle […]

For The Sake of Our Children (Part 3)

A quick search online can yield headlines such as “5-year-old transgender child,” or even “3-year-old transgender child.” These are children who have begun at least step one in the transgender process, which is social transition, or being treated as the opposite sex. The four-step process only gets worse from there, including puberty-blocking hormones, cross-sex hormones, […]

For The Sake of Our Children (Part 2)

As we daily fight for traditional family values, we recognize that the work we do is for our children, for the next generation. We owe these children the right to life, and we owe these children a relationship with their mother and their father. Next is that we owe these children a sound religious formation; […]

For The Sake of Our Children (Part 1)

What do we mean when we say we are for family values? What do we mean when we say we are for traditional values? Furthermore, how do the answers to these questions shape how we approach public policy, how we approach law? According to Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D., of The Heritage Foundation, what we mean […]

The Man Behind The Case For Christ (Part 2)

As Christians, we are called to share our faith with others, to be salt and light in the world. But sometimes that task feels incredibly daunting, and we fear the response we may receive. We may fear offending and angering strangers, or even losing close friends and neighbors. Well, atheist turned Christian apologist Lee Strobel, […]