Guidelines For Better Religious Liberty

Since 1993, every January 16 has been declared Religious Freedom Day by Presidential proclamation. During last month’s Religious Freedom Day, the Department of Education unveiled new federal guidelines for religious liberty. The creation and implementation of these guidelines was championed by Gateways to Better Education, a nonprofit that works to create faith-friendly public schools where […]

Hope After Abortion

Those of us who fight for the sanctity of life know that the most extreme pro-abortion rhetoric often includes “shouting” about one’s abortion, where women who have had abortions proudly and publicly proclaim this fact. Abortion advocates tend to ignore the truth that women who have had abortions often suffer deep wounds. These wounds can […]

A Chance to Celebrate North Carolina as a Leader in School Choice

National School Choice Week kicks off next Monday, and is intended to celebrate the value of choice in education. In North Carolina, events will be held from January 26-February 1, geared toward raising awareness about school choice opportunities for families and students across the state, including private, religious, homeschool, public charter, and traditional public schools. […]

The Truth About Chemical Abortions

This month marks the 47th year since abortion-on-demand was legalized nationally by Roe v. Wade. For decades, the main method of abortion was surgical, where a physician extracted the unborn baby from a woman’s body using surgical tools. Now, while abortions overall are decreasing, nearly 40 percent of all abortions are performed through the administration […]

Clearing The Air About The NC Hemp Industry

Those of you who have been following the 2019-2020 North Carolina legislative session have heard the controversy over the 2019 Farm Act, and specifically the issue over smokable hemp and whether it should be legal. Words like hemp and marijuana, and CBD and THC are constantly used during discussion of this hot button issue, and […]

Gridlock Continues On Jones Street

With a Democratic Governor and a Republican majority in the State Legislature, it should come as no surprise that little was accomplished yesterday when the North Carolina General Assembly convened for a special one-day session aimed primarily at addressing budget issues. Attempts in the State Senate to override Governor Roy Cooper’s vetoes of a teacher […]

Threats to Our Religious Liberty (Part 2)

In the slew of religious freedom cases that have happened in recent years, many of us have found ourselves praying for courts to side with a Colorado baker, a Washington florist, or Catholic nuns. We rightly want religious freedom to triumph and the government to respect this foundational freedom. But Luke Goodrich of the Becket […]

Yes! Talk About Religion and Politics (POV)

When it comes to getting along with others, many of us have bought into the old adage: “Never talk about religion or politics.”  Well, over the past year, I made a habit of talking about both—religion and politics—in “mixed company” and (gasp!) even on the Internet. And you know what I found? More opportunities than […]

Threats to Our Religious Liberty (Part 1)

We have seen numerous state and national court cases in recent years addressing our religious liberties. From adoption agencies to public monuments to medical service providers, it is becoming harder and harder for people of faith to live out their faith anywhere outside of their home or church. Religious liberty is one of the most […]

The Characters of Christmas

While the Christmas story is one we all know very well, it may seem difficult to connect this 2,000-year-old story to our modern culture. Dan Darling’s new book The Characters of Christmas aims to fix this by providing parallels from the Christmas characters we all know to today’s culture. From Mary to Herod to the […]