Spiritual But Not Religious?

Many of us have heard someone say they are “spiritual, but not religious.” This has become a popular identification for people in today’s culture as traditional, structured religion is spurned in favor of individualism and “freedom.” But what do people actually mean when they say they’re spiritual but not religious? And how can the Church […]

Resources for Parents and Students Schooling at Home

The closure of K-12 schools, colleges, universities and many businesses across our state and nation to quell the spread of COVID-19 means that parents and students of all ages have been thrust, either willingly or unwillingly, into schooling at home for the foreseeable future. We at NC Family see this shift toward homeschooling as an […]

The Fight to Defeat the “Contraceptive Mandate”

Hobby Lobby and the Little Sisters of the Poor won U.S. Supreme Court cases in recent years after they challenged—on religious and moral grounds—the Affordable Care Act’s so-called “contraceptive mandate,” which required all employers to provide contraception and abortifacient drugs in their employee health plans. The Trump Administration recently sought to protect similar organizations and […]

Reversing the “Seamless Garment”

Pro-lifers are often accused of only caring about the abortion issue and not about issues that impact the lives of these babies and mothers after birth, like welfare programs or immigration. In the early 1980s, the idea of a consistent life ethic, or a “seamless garment” became popular as a way to unite Catholics around […]

POV: An Unplanned Experiment in Virtual Schooling

This week, it started. I began to hear about school closures due to COVID-19, the coronavirus disease of 2019 right here in Raleigh where I live. These began as mostly one day closures to allow schools to be thoroughly sanitized out of an abundance of caution, but the closures have now become more widespread and […]

A Super Tuesday in North Carolina

North Carolinians went out to vote last Tuesday in the 2020 primary election, dubbed “Super Tuesday” because so many states and delegates are up for grabs on that one day. While we know the results of this election, many do not know what these results mean, how they came to be, and just how much […]

What Do Americans Think About Paid Family Leave?

The majority of developed countries around the world have some sort of government-financed paid family leave policy. Some countries more liberal than the United States—like Sweden—have 18 months of paid leave, while more conservative countries—like Australia—cover the first 12 months. Adopting a similar policy here in the United States has been a hot topic of […]

Preparing For a Post-Roe World

As more pro-life justices get appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court, talk of overturning Roe v. Wade and returning the decision about abortion to the states has significantly increased. In preparation for this federal action, many states have passed abortion legislation on both ends of the spectrum. Students for Life of America is the nation’s […]

High School Athletes Sue Over Connecticut Transgender Policy

Three female high school track athletes filed a federal suit yesterday against the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) for a policy that has allowed biological males to compete in girls’ sports. Selina Soule, Alanna Smith, and Chelsea Mitchell have all lost medals and advancement opportunities in track to biological male athletes who identify as females. […]

A Pursuit Of Truth That Leads To Freedom

We see a wide variety of school choice options nowadays, from private, to homeschool, to public charter, to traditional public schools. Each of these options often brings with them a variety of teaching styles. One rising style is Classical Education, “the cultivation of wisdom and virtue by nourishing the soul on the true, the good, […]